Tag: benefits

PANTOCRIN VELVET ANTLER Sexual Benefits – Natural SEX Enhancer for Men

PANTOCRIN VELVET ANTLER  Sexual Benefits – Natural SEX Enhancer for Men





Its History

The use of deer antlers or pantocrin velvet antler  in medical care dates back over 2000years. The word « antler » itself derives from the Latin « ante oculae » which can betranslated as « before the eyes. »
The use of velvet antler dates back to the Han Dynasty, from 206 BC to 220 AD. The first evidence of the widespread use of velvet antler in medicine, was found on a roll of silk, dating from 168 BC and found inside a tomb in Hunan, China. Later in the six teenth century many preparations such as velvet antler pills, tinctures and ointment shave been recorded in the book Medical Pen Ts’ao Kang Mu.

But only 30 years from the first attempts at scientific research on the therapeutic efficacy of velvet antler were conducted by Russian scientists and pharmacists. As a result, more than 100 articles were published on the subject. Since then, hundreds of articles have been published in China, Korea, Japan, Russia, New Zealand and Canada.

In the 70 doctors Takikawa and they found that the Pantocrin Kajihara, accelerating the healing process of damaged neural tissues.

In 1988, probably one of the most important property of the velvet antler was discovered by Japanese scientists Wang & Associates, which they found that velvet antler has anti-aging.

In 1999, the use of velvet antler has been supported by clinical research because of its beneficial effects in treating arthritis. However, the empirical use suggests several therapeutic properties including immune stimulation, the anti-aging, rejuvenating and protective and beneficial effects on blood flow.

In North America this product has been known for only a decade. Today, the international market for velvet antler is growing due to the fact that more and more people are turning to natural medicine.




The main benefits of Velvet Antler Reversal of Aging and Rejuvenation: Reducing signs of aging, improving memory, increasing the mass of muscle mass and bone density, increased testosterone, decreased activity oxidation in the liver and brain and increasing the protein content of the liver are among the main effects of Pantocrin.
Recent studies in Russia and Japan show that the use of Pantocrin promotes the production of human growth hormone, which reverses the aging process in the body.Basically, Pantocrin alter metabolism significantly.
Increases libido and sexual performance: Pantocrin increases circulation in the reproductive organs and stimulates the production of testosterone and its metabolites. It turns out to be an effective remedy against impotence, as well as to increase libido and sexual performance in general.
Many benefits have been noted by post menopausal women in addition to a significant reduction of stress and improve intimacy.
Regeneration of heart muscle: Pantocrin improves circulation and avoiding metabolism of heart muscle fatigue may result from chronic hypertension, disorders of the circulation, ischemia, diabetes and prolonged psychological stress.
Lowering blood pressure: Pantocrin increases the dilation of peripheral blood vessels and thus lowers blood pressure. Extract Pantocrin edge against the effect of previously administered adrenaline. Velvet antler acts on the neurotransmitter responsible for inhibition and cardiac vasodilation.
Blood Production: Pantocrin cutter is effective in controlling anemia and may increase the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the tests body based.
Pantocrin or Velvet antler have shown an increased production of red blood cells and blood cells whites in smaller quantities. Pantocrin facilitates oxygen uptake by the liver, brain, kidneys and endocrine system.
Fight against stress: Pantocrin is effective in the treatment of mental and muscular fatigue, asthenia, neuroses, stress-related disorders, loss of immune and hypotension.
Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis by increasing bone density, the Pantocrin prevents pathological fractures, caused by osteoporosis, 50% women and 20% men.
Post-traumatic bone reconstruction: Pantocrin increases the level of glucose in the bones and promotes a more rapid deposition of calcium salts and phosphate in bone and cartilage.
Anti-Arthritis Remedy: Pantocrin is known to reduce arthritis symptoms while stimulating growth and tissue healing.
Post surgical recovery and significant acute infectious disorders: Pantocrin is invaluable during convalescence during which it speeds up the recovery process of muscle mass.
Strengthening the immune system: Pantocrin injections stimulate the phagocytic function of macrophages. Pantocrin increases the amount of red and white blood cells in the blood and, thus, strengthens the immune system against the risk of infection.
Anticancer activity: Research has shown that velvet antler may have anti-tumor effects against certain forms of cancer cells.
Anti-inflammatory effects: Pantocrin has very good anti-inflammatory qualities had its ability to stimulate production of white blood cells that helps fight against infections.
Protection of liver: Pantocrin helps protect the liver against damage caused by carbon tetrachloride.
Reduction of cholesterol: Pantocrin can cause cholesterol to be filtered from the blood, increasing levels of kidney but thereby lowering levels elsewhere. It is very important that all high cholesterol levels are a known risk factor for heart disease.

An inexhaustible resource

It is important to note that the antlers are a renewable natural resource. Generally, anydeer is killed for its antlers as new antlers grow with each new season. The term « velvet antlers » refers to the living tissue of wood growth of deer, including red deer,as well as elk. Velvet antler is harvested when it reaches two or three branches and is still covered in velvet.

The tip of the antler is the most effective because it contains themost active substances.

Velvet antler is a main constituent of Deer Antler Plus. A powerful stimulant made ​​in USA male, now available in Europe.

The tea tree oil MELALEUCA Tea Tree Natural Products on or THEIR OIL is a MIRACLE!

The tea tree oil MELALEUCA Tea Tree Natural Products on or THEIR OIL is a MIRACLE!

Melaleuca oil a wonderful natural remedy. Discover the incomparable virtues of health of the essential oil of tea tree from Australia.

Name (s) joint (s): Tea Tree Oil, Tea Tree.
Botanical name: Melaleuca alternifolia, Myrtaceae family.
Name (s) English: Tea tree.

Part (s) used (s): The leaves which takes an essential oil by distillation.
Habitat and origin: shrub or evergreen shrub confined to swampy areas of the northeast coast of Australia (New South Wales).

Indications: Their oil is used to prevent and treat infections of the skin and mucous membranes, such as: treat acne and buttons – Arthritis – Burns andsunburn – Cuts and abrasions – Bruises – Cystitis – Muscle aches – Boils and abscesses – herpes labialis – excema-Zona-Psoriasis-respiratory infections -vaginal Infections – Fungal Infections – onychomycosis-insect bites, athlete’s foot-Plaque dental – Varicose veins Warts-it-thrush gingivitis-dandruff.

The tea tree or Melaleuca oil from Australia is an extraordinary natural resource for our health.

Many scientific and medical research have recognized the therapeutic and hygiene of the essential oil of tea tree in Australia (and incorrectly named by Captain Cook) who has become a relatively recent addition, based on preparations pharmaceutical and natural antiseptic.
Natural relief for burns, cuts, bites, scratches and other minor injuries.

It helps to eliminate bacteria to promote the healing process. Penetrating -Provides benefits well below the upper layers of the skin. Soothing – Stopspain, burning and itching.
Solvent it dissolves residue and acts as a natural cleanser and disinfectant.
Non-caustic does not irritate most skin types (those whose skin is extremely sensitive may wish to dilute it in almond oil or olive oil).
Aromatic use the spray to provide a fresh herbal scent. Dr Penfold studied oil Their Dr A. R. Penfold was one of the first scientists to document the power of Their alternifolia oil.

He noted that: « The results of these investigations have not only exceeded my expectations, but have given results which, in practice, are far from those projected … The germicidal effectiveness of the oil … is due to the unique natural blend of their diverse constituents. « Also in the composition of hygiene products and cosmetics.

Research to develop other applications, including agriculture.



According to many experts, the consumption of Vitamin C would be for most people too low. To keep you in good health and have effective protection against disease, researchers estimate that the Recommended Dietary vitamin C shouldbe at least 200 mg per day!

1. What are the advantages of an adequate intake of Vitamin C?

The vitamin is known for fighting;

* colds
* Fatigue
* Stress
* Prevent heart disease
* Cataracts
* Macular degeneration
* Anti-carcinogenic

But that’s not all!

We know the benefits of this valuable vitamin in strengthening the immune system. It contributes notably to the formation of red blood cells while helping toiron absorption in plants.

But did you know that:

* Vitamin C also contributes to improved wound healing.
* At an antioxidant function – very important – in the fight against free radicals,which attack precisely those cells, responsible for your aging.
* It helps to produce collagen, a protein essential for the formation of connective tissue of the skin? And yes ladies, your skin also depends on your takingenough Vitamin C …

Where to find sufficient amounts of Vitamin C?

Be aware that fruits and vegetables are the main source of vitamin C. It should be consumed raw mainly because the vitamin can not stand cooking.

It is found mainly in:

* Broccoli
* Strawberry
* Lemon
* Tomato
* Orange
* Raspberries
* Grapefruit
* Parsley
* The kiwi

1. Anticancer activity!

The scientist, Linus Pauling, Nobel laureate said that two large doses of Vitamin C at a rate of 2 g or more per day, were able to fight againstcarcinogenesis. It was noted in particular that was a help and an adjuvant to chemotherapy against cancer.

Another study of 85,000 nurses who were followed for 16 years, hasdemonstrated this surprising. Two groups were evaluated. One not takingadditional vitamin C, the other yes. However, the group that consumed thevitamin C supplement showed increased protection against coronary heart disease.

Finally, nine other studies on 290 000 men and women conducted in 2004showed that an intake (700 mg over 10 years) Vitamin C 25% reduced risk ofcoronary heart disease.

1. Little practical advice:

Do not overcook your vegetables and keep food warm. Preparation is moresophisticated and cooked vegetables, more food starting loses vitamin C.Prefer baking potatoes, such as steam or twists. Freshly squeezed orange juiceevery morning, or better yet, a kiwi, already provide on their own half of our daily requirement of vitamin C. A healthy balanced diet should be enough to give usthe required dose. But in some cases it may be called to take charge. Know for example that smokers have a special need for vitamin C, each consuming 25mg cigarette

Well … to your plate to not grow old!

Relief of osteoarthritis « ARGAN OIL » The benefits of the OSTEOARTHRITIS

Relief of osteoarthritis « ARGAN OIL » The benefits of the OSTEOARTHRITIS

New osteoarthritis with Argan Oil

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative rheumatic disease that occurs most often after age 50. This evolution often disabling rheumatism affects proportionately more women than men. It affects the bones, tendons, cartilage and muscles of the joints.



The joints are located at the juncture of the bones and allow their relative movement and thus the movement in general, such as walking or squatting, for example.

To do this the end of each bone in question is covered in their joint cartilage.Cartilage is a substance at once smooth, tough and elastic.

The entire joint is enclosed in the capsule that encloses hermetically inside the synovial membrane. This membrane produces synovial fluid that lubricates the joint in the same way as in an engine oil lubricates the cylinder.


Osteoarthritis is a disease that affects the cartilage bones of the joint. For reasons not yet fully understood the cartilage breaks down and forms of « sticking points » in contact with bone pain of the joint.

X-rays show abnormal wear of the cartilage and the distance between the bone ends is reduced. It is said that the joint « pinched ». The cartilage is thinner. In the limit of progressive osteoarthritis, the cartilage may disappear completely. Then there is direct contact and friction of bones with each other.


It is the joint pain that manifest osteoarthritis. The pain appear gradually. They are low at the beginning and do not show that in case of sustained effort. These pains are called « mechanical » because they occur only when the work of the joint.

There are periods of remission, periods where the pain is relatively mild and last periods when bursts of pain are important and very difficult to bear.

When not pushing, rest pain and calm nights are normal. But the joints become stiff and less mobile. In the morning it is often necessary to make a « joint stiffness. »

By cons, during periods congestive inflammatory and pain are intense, even at night! The rest did not calm down! These periods are often accompanied by congestive excessive production of synovial fluid. There is talk of synovial effusion, often very painful, and explains the congestion and swelling of the joint.

People with osteoarthritis are not condemned to disability so inevitable. Even if the joint is still stiff and deformed, the pain may subside over the years but often to find a good mobility, it is necessary to resort to surgery. The affected joint is then replaced by a joint replacement, routine operation for hip and knee. But it is best to arrive at this end when other treatments, lighter, have failed.

Osteoarthritis is a disease related to aging of the joint. At the first sign and the first pain, it is necessary to consult his doctor.

For it is now possible to effectively treat osteoarthritis and delay its progress.The treatments are more effective than medical management of osteoarthritis is early and its consequences are not irreversible.

Joints affected by Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis can affect any joint but most often it is the joint working that aremost frequently affected and those that support the body weight.


There are:

  1. hip osteoarthritis affecting the hip joint
  2. knee osteoarthritis that affects the knee and not the stiff
  3. The cervical spondylosis affects the spine
  4. Lombarthrose on the lumbar vertebrae of the lower back and may cause lumbagoand sciatica
  5. Omarthrose is the shoulder
  6. The osteoarthritis is localized to the fingers. If this is the thumb is concerned, it is called rhizarthrosis.


    Before considering major surgery is recommended to treat osteoarthritis of combining medical methods (at least for pain) and natural remedies.

    It is obvious that if the extra pounds overweight can only be an aggravating factorfor osteoarthritis. It is essential in this case doc to lose weight.

    Also moderate exercise is recommended whenever possible because inactivityincreases the pathology of osteoarthritis.

    It may be interesting to learn how to relax and relieve stress. Wearing shock-absorbing footwear may be beneficial to facilitate walking in the case ofosteoarthritis of the hip or knee and the making of orthotics rest or activity aimed at relieving the joint. But one can legitimately think that these solutions are oftenthe last resort.

    Les médicaments pour traiter l’arthrose

    To soothe the pain of osteoarthritis is commonly prescribed analgesics that havea significant effect but is limited to this aspect painkiller no curative value.

    For periods of more severe outbreak of osteoarthritis, we use anti-inflammatory drugs, known as NSAIDs, for short periods to fight against inflammation. It is also possible to inject cortisone-like anti-inflammatory in the affected joint.

    In case of lack of synovial fluid can be injected as a lubricant articular hyaluronic acid.

    Some drugs are in the form of gels or patches, but remember that osteoarthritisis caused by « mechanical » causes, these drugs are usually a symptomatic effect. That is to say that they only act on the symptoms without definitive and profound affection.

    Natural remedies for Osteoarthritis: Argan oil and Physiotherapy



    Care for osteoarthritis physiotherapy proven, especially if the massages are done with the argan oil to regenerative virtues recognized.

    Massages « unravel » the first stiff muscles around the painful joint. The joint isthen « thrashing » by wide movements, which also provide a muscle strengthening joints.

    In early trading, pain can be felt but they will disappear as and when the warm-up.

    The effects of massage are multiplied with argan oil to the high content of vitaminE regeneration.

    It is advisable to consult a physiotherapist early to learn the exercises to practiceand then himself. The use of argan oil is always recommended because often it can have a permanent curative effect.





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    TEA TREE Oil MELALEUCA NATURAL PRODUCT Research Group oil Melaleuca Alternifolia TEA TREE

    TEA TREE Oil MELALEUCA NATURAL PRODUCT Research Group oil Melaleuca Alternifolia TEA TREE

    TEA TREE Hundreds of pages of independent research Oil Melaleuca alternifolia Tea tree.


    The research group is involved in a range of diverse tea tree oil projects. We are currently investigating the effects of tea tree oil on biofilm formation and the efficacy of tea tree oil in clearing MRSA-positive wounds. More details are given about these projects below. In addition, Chelsea Papadopoulos is undertaking PhD studies investigating the mechanisms of bacterial resistance to tea tree oil and components. We have also taken part in reviewing the safety of tea tree oil and components as part of the response of the tea tree oil industry to the opinion on tea tree oil handed down by the Scientific Committee on Consumer Products (SCCP) in December 2005. More information about this response can be found at the ATTIA website. The results of previous research projects are described in RIRDC reports and/or journal publications.

    Effects of tea tree oil on biofilm formation

    Micro organisms commonly live in slime communities called biofilms, which provide significant protection from harmful environmental factors such as chemicals, antibiotics and the immune system. If tea tree oil is able to interfere with the generation, maintenance, structure or longevity of biofilm this could have important implications for medical or industrial situations where biofilm is a significant problem. The aims of this projects are to (1) Demonstrate that tea tree oil can inhibit the formation of microbial biofilm, (2) Investigate the effects of tea tree oil on existing biofilm, (3) Investigate the mechanism(s) by which biofilm formation is inhibited and (4) Explore potential medical and industrial applications of biofilm inhibition. This project is supported by RIRDC with matching funds from Gelair™ Pty. Ltd.

    Effects of tea tree oil on chronic wounds

    Chronic wounds such as venous leg ulcers are a significant source of morbidity, particularly in the elderly and their management may be difficult and protracted. They are frequently colonised by a range of bacteria and certain organisms such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) have been associated with delayed healing. Patient-initiated use of TTO products in wound care has been noted by nursing staff of the Silver Chain Nursing Association prompting questions about its efficacy. Anecdotal evidence suggests that TTO may be beneficial but there are no clinical data to support its use in wounds. This work aims to address that deficiency. The two objectives of this project are: 1) To determine if TTO can eliminate methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from wounds. 2) To determine if TTO is a beneficial treatment for chronic wounds. These objectives will be achieved by seeking data on two outcomes: 1) Reduction of colonisation with MRSA 2) Time to wound healing This project is supported by RIRDC with matching funds from Novasel Pty. Ltd.

    Potential mechanisms of tolerance to tea tree oil and components

    The PhD project of Chelsea Papadopoulos is focused on investigating putative mechanisms of tolerance in Gram negative bacteria, in particular Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Her study commenced in 2004 and is supported by a scholarship from RIRDC. Kate Hammer has recently been awarded a Raine Priming grant (2006-2008) from the Raine Medical Research Foundation to investigate potential mechanisms of tolerance in Gram positive bacteria. This work will focus on staphylococci and enterococci.


    University d’Australia

    MATTRESS CONSULTING for Deep Sleep and Recovery – While Sleeping in Bed-Position

    MATTRESS CONSULTING for Deep Sleep and Recovery – While Sleeping in Bed-Position






    Linear and Lateral Support

    1. Linear Support

    By linear support, we understand the support that makes that your body does not sag. In an undistorted by hanging du hard to top a mattress lying still..

    In a side-lying posture, the back shall form one straight line, from the neck vertebrae to the sacrum. In a side/belly posture, the spinal column shall remain in its natural bended form, from the neck to the sacrum, as in an upright posture. Thighbones and knees shall sink a little bit deeper in the mattress, so as not to cause too large a pressure on the lower back. When sleeping on the back, the spinal column has to keep its natural bended form from the neck to the sacrum. It is important that the lumbar region is supported sufficiently. In all recumbent postures, an orthopaedically justified support is necessary. The position of the spinal column at night may in no event obstruct the hormonal flows. I hereby refer to the sacro-cranial therapies.


    In addition, the dorsal vertebrae must be able to arrange themselves at night so that the intervertebral disks can regenerate optimally. At the same time, the neck and dorsal muscles that are during the daytime most of the time contorted because of an incorrect sitting position must be given a chance to relax. But, the human body is not a plank. Normally, our shoulders are broader than our hips; but at the hips, we have more weight than at the shoulders.

    So, it is clear that the ideal bed for a dominant side sleeper is softer at shoulders’ height and harder at hips’ height. Hard mattresses are a real disaster in terms of support, one really completely tenses up on such mattresses.

    « Fabeltje te harde matras »

    The double bed is an invention of the devil who was jealous of the blessings of marriage.
    Marie Stopes,
    Sleep, Chatto and Winders, Londen 1956.

    Even light persons have to impress their shoulders sufficiently so that the pillow, when used, does not have to carry the weight of the shoulders through the neck.

    Orthopaedic pillows on too hard beds shift the problem from the shoulders to the neck. Neck muscles get overloaded and the pressure on the head is much too large. Especially for back-sore people, the mattress has to make it possible that the distance between the shoulder tip and the lumbar region can be impressed by the shoulder. This implies that, independent of the person’s weight, the mattress can at shoulders’ height be impressed 6 to 9 cm, whereas at the hips, that generally weigh more, the mattress cannot be impressed that much. Most certainly for low-back-pain patients and slipped-disk patients, no pressure may be exercised on the lower intervertebral disks. Therefore, in order to offer a perfect linear support, the mattress shall be very elastic without becoming deformed. It shall also have a softer shoulder zone and a slightly harder hip zone, as well as a softer knee zone, if so desired.

    The base on which the mattress is lying, shall allow the same support and impression, though in an accentuated way. The ideal bed is as large as possible, and allows you to optimally stretch out both lengthwise and breadthwise, it allows you to make yourselves as large and as broad as you wish without being hindered by a bed head end, a foot bed end or your partner. For side/belly and belly sleepers, the bed is at least 30 cm and preferably 50 cm longer than the person in question! It must be possible to maximally stretch out the spinal column and to have your body heave on the mattress. This ensures a perfect lateral support.

    green sleep sleep well

    2. Lateral Support

    The secret of the ideal bed not only lies in a perfect support, but also in an optimal pressure-reducing contact plane between the body and the mattress. The larger the contact zone between the body and the mattress, the smaller the pressure registration per square centimeter of skin. The larger the contact zone, the longer it will take before the body subconsciously orders to turn over and before large tension build-up in the skeleton muscles can interrupt your deep sleep or REM sleep. Sleep quality indeed is reduced drastically when you are wakened by an internal pain impulse caused by overpressure or by difficulties when turning over. The longer you can stay in the same position without suffering pressure damage, the longer your muscles can deacidify. In addition, reduced pressure also stimulates the blood circulation in the limbs. But, a larger contact plane also implies that the mattress should ventilate perfectly. The skin that touches the mattress also must be able to breathe and the purifying perspiration must be absorbed without the mattress feeling moist to the touch. Therefore, when falling asleep, the perfect lateral support is obtained by giving the body as large a contact plane as possible and by having the body heave maximally on the mattress. So, in this scope, stretching out and as large a mattress as possible are extremely important.

    Back schools give advice on how to turn your dominant recumbent posture in a better equilibrium posture, so that you do not have to turn over too quickly. In all events, when falling asleep, one should lie as relaxed as possible, with as large a contact plane as possible. The ideal bed can help you a lot.

    Green Sleep

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