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ARGAN OIL NATURAL BIO OIL Properties – Virtues and Benefits

ARGAN OIL NATURAL BIO OIL Properties – Virtues and Benefits


ARGAN OIL Natural… How argan oil fight Psoriasis-Baldness-Osteoarthritis-Rheumatism-burns-the heavy legs and other health problems?

ARGAN OIL natural treasure of vitality and health

Argan oil is a medicinal oil known since antiquity for its dermatological properties (care for skin conditions and hair).

100% organic argan oil for all fans of Alternative Medicine.

It is used pure or enriched with the possible addition of essential oils for massage revitalizing health, preventive and curative.

This oil is naturally rich in vitamin E and Omega-3 can be classified in the family of nutraceuticals.

This is a real concentrate of nature, sun and vitality.

In traditional medicine, argan oil deals mainly with:

– Stretch marks
– Brown Spots
– Burn (heat or sunlight)

Argan Oil in the fight against psoriasis:

 ARGAN OIL NATURALPsoriasis for up to 3% of the population. This is a skin condition usually locatedon the elbows, knees with frequent damage to the scalp.
Particularly unsightly, it results in the production of red patches covered withscales abundant, clean, dry and brittle.

Traditionally argan oil is used by the Berber tribes of southern Morocco to treat psoriasis.
The effects are remarkable and it is likely that this is due to the high vitamin E content of argan oil.

Learn more about Argan Oil in the fight against psoriasis

Argan Oil to heal and relieve rheumatism, arthritis and joint pain

 ARGAN OIL NATURALOsteoarthritis is a degenerative rheumatic disease that occurs most often after age 50.

It affects the cartilage bones of the joint.

For reasons not yet fully understood the cartilage breaks down and forms of « sticking points » in contact with bone pain of the joint.

Care for osteoarthritis physiotherapy proven, especially if the massages are done with the argan oil to regenerative virtues recognized.

Learn more about the argan oil to heal and relieve rheumatism, arthritis and joint pain

Argan Oil in the fight against Hair Loss and Baldness


Hair loss affects both men and women. Its scientific name is alopecia.

From 20 years but most often after age 35, men can go up to a total baldness, though some women may also suffer from alopecia, especially after childbirth ormenopause.

Thanks to the strong regenerative power of its essential component, vitamin E,argan oil can treat problems of hair, both for the man to the woman.

Learn more about Argan Oil in the fight against psoriasis


The cosmetic properties:

Argan oil is rich in natural ingredients and active ingredients, omega 6, vitamin E, antioxidant, they play an important role in cell renewal. Argan oil is also saidargan argan oil reduces wrinkles and nourishes dry skin, it penetrates quicklythus avoiding to have a fat deposit, it is a dry oil. Argan oil promotes healing oftraces left by acne, chicken pox, pimples and other skin irritations or attackssuch as stretch marks, cracks and burns.

The benefits of argan oil for hair:

Used for hair care, argan oil in favor of strengthening and shine the hair dry, dulland fragile. All this naturally.

How to use argan oil on the hair?

To give strength and vitality to fragile hair, apply argan oil an hour beforeshampoo all over the hair, then wash and rinse .. Warning: Do not overdo it on the scalp or you’ll spend the bottle of shampoo!

Council for fragile hair:

To protect your hair from the drying effects of sun, sea salt, or chlorine, use arganoil by touching the hair styling.


Argan oil to combat stretch marks

 ARGAN OIL NATURALStretch marks are skin breaks. Essentially, it is women who are victims.

In particular, during the great changes that are physical puberty and pregnancy orslimming diets that follow one another.

Learn more about Argan Oil to combat stretch marks

Argan oil to combat dark spots

Brown spots on the face, neck, backs of hands and forearms are the result ofexposure to UV sunlight. These brown spots, also known as age spots,increases with age. However, they may appear in some subjects at 25 years.

Learn more about Argan Oil to combat dark spots

Argan oil to relieve tired legs




Prepare massage oil as well as before against rheumatism. Make touches on your legs with the palm and with your fingertips and let your hand glide over the entire leg.

Argan oil to allow for faster healing, soothe burns

Use your pure argan oil. The night before bed, apply directly to wounds, irritated areas or burns. That all your acts argan oil at night.

Argan Oil to restore circulation and return to fitness and vitality



Add to argan oil a few drops of essential oils of cinnamon, lemon and thyme.

Knead and mix your members (especially the legs) to penetrate deep into the dermis to allow better blood circulation, restore tone to your body and return tofitness and vitality.

Take your muscles regularly twist, firmly, slowly and then faster. This eliminatesmuscle tension, toxins and body fatigue states.
Finish by tapping to fully activate your blood circulation.

MATTRESS-NATURAL PRODUCT COMPOSITION of Natural Latex mattresses mattress GREEN BIO ORGANIC RUBBER without Chemical Products. Mattress Patented

MATTRESS-NATURAL PRODUCT COMPOSITION of natural latex mattresses mattress GREEN BIO ORGANIC RUBBER without Chemical Products. Mattress Patented

WHY A natural latex mattresses GREEN BIO

Many people today have physical problems, skin sensitivities, asthma and allergicunexplained.
The many chemical sensitivities increase in people every day by hundreds of thousands of cases reported by Health Canada.

Ask yourself what you breathe in your sleep?

Do you ever come to mind that all your problems of skin sensitivity and respirations were just lying to you all night?
Mites, bacteria, oil, toxic glue, polyurethane, synthetic latex ect … the list goes on.


Most people sleep one third of their lives on mattresses and bed textiles that canharm them!

Synthetic raw materials, as among other polyurethane foams and latex SBR artificial, does not only result in a mattress that is too inelastic, but may in addition, in certain circumstances, release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that canpotentially be toxic skin or lungs.
Treatment of delayed ignition resulting in even more chemicals and furtherincreasing the danger.

The list of chemicals added is supplemented by the anti-moth, anti-stain, anti-wrinkling and even anti-allergy.

In the field of textile, bed toxic dyes and formaldehyde are the most serious offenders. In addition, sleeping on synthetic material is so comfortable and certainly less relaxing.

Synthetic materials do not absorb perspiration and not heat the body as natural materials. Chapter « Sleep and Health » that you read our body detoxifies during deep sleep. The textile bed, the mattress cover and mattress core mustcompletely absorb the perspiration, while the body heat must be transported.

Only the best materials to guarantee organic farming climate of sleep most beneficial.

Organic Hevea

1. Why choose organic rubber?

A mattress core is ideal in theory extremely elastic and non-deformable. Spring mattresses and water mattresses have either a compression or collapse of elasticity reduced more where there is more weight.

For over 20 years, I was engaged in the production of foam mattresses latex. They are already more elastic than other mattresses, but the elasticity is determined by the amount of natural rubber used in the polymer blend. Ideally, I would make onlya mattress core Hevea natural rubber, but it was impossible or difficult to achieve in Europe and America because of the lack of fresh Hevea milk.

The foam mattress that we knew were made of polyurethane or synthetic polymerlatex SBR, Styrene Butadiene Rubber. These are obtained by complex chemical processes from petroleum. The synthetic latex mattress that we knew were already enriched with natural rubber to increase their elasticity. This natural rubber mixed with a lot of volatile alkali was transported in liquid form from Asia andtropical Africa. It was painful because we never received the same quality.Imagine that you had to produce the same wine in California with an arbitrary mixture of grapes in France.

2. Natural Latex

In Europe, we could make so-called mattress’ latex nature « , but the compositionshould always be adapted. The polymer blend of SBR synthetic latex and natural rubber had to be supplemented with other materials for a finished product always equal with regard to the extent and firmness. Usually, the best ratio of polymer orrubber was 80% natural rubber and 20% of SBR rubber, but with the addition offillers to correct and vulcanizing materials, the finished product contained only 60% of natural rubber. So, a mattress 80% of natural rubber contained only 60% natural rubber! It was far from our ideal.

3. Natural rubber from Hevea

Ideally, a mattress should consist of more than 90% natural rubber and rubber to be perfectly isotropic, ie d. elasticity is the same in all directions. This product is alsobreathable and insensitive to temperature. This is why it is never moist or warm.Examples of other products which are widely used natural rubber condoms arerubber, the tires of an aircraft or a formula, balloons for meteorological stations …anything that has to be extremely resilient and stable.

To make this mattress core made ​​of 100% natural rubber to rubber, we neededmilk plant rubber and similar expenses and know-how innovative. So it had to be done in the country of origin of the Hevea milk. But what is this hevea milk and where to find the best soul of a mattress?

4. Hevea Brasiliensis

HEVEA BRASILIENSIS is the name of a rubber tree. As the name implies, the tree was discovered in 1736 in the Amazon region by the French explorer Charles Marie de la Condamine(1701-1775) who reported the rubber as a curiosity.

Around the world, there are trees that secrete a liquid when they are injured or damaged by insects. This fluid prevents clotting that mold or bacteria enter the tree.

As the resin of pine or maple sap, a milk plant, also known as latex flows from theHevea brasiliensis or rubber tree, which hardens to a rubbery mass. A pharmacistdiscovered that English can be used to erase the pencil. The name of the rubber(rubber) also comes from the English verb « to rub » rubbing. This rubber is mainlyelastic and waterproof.

In 1839 it was discovered that the rubber and sulfur by heating, the so-calledvulcanization process, produce a rubber that is strong and solid at temperaturesfrom 0 to 100 ° C.

Since then, this product is used for making waterproof textiles, tires for bicycles and cars, chewing gum, painting … and even condoms.

Rubber became an important industrial product. Needs rubber became so important that we built plantations in other parts of the world. Especially the English, who sent the young plants in their tropical colonies in Asia such as SriLanka and Singapore. The Portuguese plantation implanted primarily in Central Africa. The tree survives in effect only in a very humid and hot. To harvest the milkplant is cut out in the cambium of the tree. And the pockets of latex are cut and the milk flows out. Under the injury, we fix a container in which milk plant is collected.Can be left to coagulate the milk, or you can add a little ammonia to keep the fluid milk. The coagulated rubber is dried and compressed to make shoes, boots, insulation or building material. For mattresses, we need liquid latex. It is purchased for Green Sleep Malaysia North to independent farmers, who for years planted these trees selected in cooperation with the National Institute of Rubber in Kuala Lumpur. As for apples, peppers, wine, is applied to the plant about a transplant from mother to still get the same tree. After a long selection, we get the milk for several years to plant rubber trees still appropriate to melt mattress coresare identical in the different degrees of firmness.

5. Milk of Hevea

Plantations which our milk comes from plants do not use growth promoters, pesticides or insecticides. The wood bottom is removed by hand if necessary. In some areas of sheep and goats graze under the trees. In addition to our certificateQUL, Qualitäts Umweltfreundlicher Latexmatratzen institute Öko-Umwelt in Cologne, Germany, the plantations were checked as to working conditions andenvironment-friendly aspect. The cultivation of vegetable milk rubber is completely organic.

Pull hevea milk has now become the work of women. This is the second family income. Prices are set cooperatively every day.

Today, the price of rubber and especially milk plant rubber is very high. In addition to the world price rises due to growing demand, the price is fixed according to theabove daily wage. When you know that we must have about 40 hours to collecte nough milk to produce a rubber of our mattresses …

6 . Transformation process

Hevea milk is delivered fresh and centrifuged under the same certificate ISO2004. The solid material is separated from the water. This solid is mixed by acomputer-controlled complex program, with air and a minimum + / ​​- 5%,vulcanizing and other materials such as sulfur, zinc oxide, accelerator andantioxidant . None of these added materials is toxic! On this subject, please referto tests and certificates that you find below.

It therefore adds no fillers. The mixture is injected into molds aluminum ankleswhile returning the heat of 90 ° C in the body.

After about 90 minutes of oven, the mattress core is removed from the mold curedand washed. At Green Sleep, this cleaning is very intense. The souls of 15 cm up to 7 times are watered and compressed up to 1 cm. In a centrifuge, the souls are cleaned again, until all the soap scum and all odors are gone. The abundant waterfor this process must be completely sterile. After drying, the mattress core ORGANIC HEVEA is controlled at the firm and receives a label stating its origin and production data. Certificate « AOC » and a number are also with the mattress core. Thus the product is fully traceable! These mattress cores are sent to theGreen Sleep plant in Europe and Canada for further treatment. This production process gives us the best mattress cores that can be made ​​today. In the field of ecology, plantations and crops are well below any non-polluting. For production ofeven the mattress core, we need the same amount of energy that was used for other mattress cores.

7. Warning

The only problem is the so-called latex allergy to the protein of 1%, culprit, theHevea milk contains. Only a small proportion of the population is concerned.Generally, latex allergy occurs in individuals who as a child did not tolerate breast milk or any dairy product.

If latex allergy, contact with a mattress core covered after a few hours causes redspots on the skin and begins to suffocate. If this happens, we return the mattress inthe store room to the purchase price. On an annual basis than 15,000 mattresses, we must take about four. It does not often. If you want more information, see latexallergy, implications for patients and Health care workers [latex allergy, the implications for patients and medical staff.

In several countries of the Third World, the mattress 100% natural latex are handcrafted. They serve primarily the local market. Their product often has acrumbly structure and is much too hard. The durability and hygiene conditions in which this product was manufactured are not acceptable for use West. Especially rinsing is often contaminated. We find these products regularly on the Western market. They are often sold at prices bumper « factory direct » to business post office box or lounges. These products severely damage the reputation of « natural products ».

Always ask for certificates of composition, origin and brand QUL!

9. 20 year Warranty!

Every soul rubber mattress organic Green Sleep is guaranteed for 20 years ofgood use since July 2008. Each mattress has its certificate of origin and a manual. Remember that a mattress is acidified with sweat and deforms after a while depending on the weight of your body. So be your mattress review by a consultant from Green Sleep every eight years.

Green Sleep has become an internal list of demands « Eco-tested » to be met by all the raw materials used. Any subcontractor or any production unit Green Sleep is imperative to meet these criteria.

Certificates Skal, Eco-cert and QUL support our claims of quality and are soughtfrom our suppliers every year.

Find products GREEN SLEEP?

Real Organic Products without added chemical products


Monique Toubeix

Specialist and Advisor Natural Products
Mattress and Pillow Latex Organic GREEN SLEEP



Come meet

1860 boulevard Le Corbusier, Laval, QC
(450) 687-7880

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BURN PHYSICAL SUPERFICIAL Things (Tricks) Craftiness and Councils (Advises) for your Burns in the FIRST DEGREE with a Natural Product as the Oil of Melaleuca an Average Nature

BURN PHYSICAL SUPERFICIAL Things(Tricks)Craftiness and Councils(Advises) for your Burns in the FIRST DEGREE with a Natural Product as the Oil of Melaleuca an Average Nature TIPS AND TRICKS FOR BURNS PHYSICAL

You sometimes to burn fesant of the cooking(kitchen), with an iron with hair a contact with a chemical or an ardent utensil and hup! Ouch!
The first care on a burn vary enormously according to the area (extent) of the wound, its depth, its location (localization), the age of the burnt person and the type(chap) of burn. Of the simple sunburn in the third degree burn.

The thing(trick) that here is is valid for those who burn in the first degree, here is an infallible thing(trick) which could help you to relieve your burn immediately! Always have in your pharmacy a small bottle of oil of Melaleuca or says Tea Tree who one is produced purely natural and whom you find in most of the stores Bio ou Pharmacie, you buy the purest which you could find. The smell of the oil Melaleuca is not always pleasant for each. Having crossed the part burned under the hanging cold water 5 has 10 min, to put 1 or 2 goutes of oil Melaleuca on the burn to wait for a few moments (5 minutes) the burning sensation goes disparaitre if you were burned or be in contact hardly with some thing(matter) of warm. If you were more burned profoundation a sensation of heating(warm-up) is going to increase for 1 minute and will ease afterward if it persists in putting back(in handing) without hesitating one or two other drops of oil Melaleuca after 10 minutes. The burning sensation as well as marks her(it) disappears after a maximum of 30 minutes later. No more heating(warm-up) or mark of burn! Otherwise if it does not work for you, you can always try the methods following one which are also all average natures for your burn. THE HONEY: spread with honey, resume(take back) the same operation several times following, the pain disparate, very few scars. THE POTATO: to cut slices and to apply them to the painful surface, there will be no scar. OLIVE OIL AND WHITE WITH EGG: beat two spoonful of oil with a white of egg, apply to the burn.

HYPNOS BEDS MATTRESS whith the NATURAL FIBRE completely organic and Pocket Coil Mattress HYPNOS Are Best in the World – Mattresses patented the court of England – Canada Hypnos Mattress Available LAVAL Quebec CANADA

HYPNOS BEDS MATTRESS whith the NATURAL FIBRE completely organic and Pocket Coil Mattress HYPNOS Are Best in the World – Mattresses patented the court of England – Canada Hypnos Mattress Available LAVAL Quebec CANADA


The Hypnos Story

Peter Keen

Hypnos has years of success behind the family-run company and has been producing handmade beds for over four generations – beds that have given countless nights of comfortable sleep to many thousands of people. Proud holders of two Royal Warrants, the Hypnos philosophy of quality and comfort is maintained throughout their product range. The Chairman, Peter Keen is the great grandson of the original founder and the product has been hand-crafted using traditional methods from the very first day of existence.

Handmade BedsDeep pocket-spring beds are the trademark of Hypnos, elegant handmade beds which are still produced by craftsmen, many of whom have worked at Hypnos since their apprenticeship and who all take a great personal pride in the skilled work that goes into producing each Hypnos bed. The skills used by these craftsmen have been handed down through generations and the art of making a quality bed lives on from father to son, mother to daughter, through Hypnos.

Hypnos beds are still made in a similar way to those slept on by our fathers and grandfathers. Every detail on a Hypnos bed is considered from the natural fillings in the mattresses, to the specially balanced springs in the Royal box, to the expertly cut high quality Belgium damask cloths, to the selected soft and hard woods, to the fine handmade wool tufts. Considered, tried and tested producing the ultimate in comfort, quality and craftsmanship.

Choosing a bed is a very personal decision and one not to be undertaken lightly. When you consider that up to a third of your life will be spent in bed, it only makes sense to spend that time in Royal Comfort. At Hypnos, we make that perfect bed to suit your specific needs, for a supportive and restful nights sleep.
Manufacturing Process

History of the Royal Warrant

Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II

To be a Warrant holder you must first supply the Royal Household with unrivalled quality products or services for five consecutive years. The Lord Chamberlain (head of the Royal households) advises the grantors on the granting of Royal Warrants but the final decision rests with the grantor concerned. Thereafter the Warrant is reviewed every five years. Hypnos has been handcrafting the finest bespoke mattresses for two Royal Warrant holders. Queen Elizabeth II and The Late Queen Mother.

To this day only the finest quality products are associated with the Royal Warrants and Hypnos is extremely proud to have carried the Royal Warrants of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and The Late Queen Mother for over 37 years. To be honoured by two Royal Households is unprecedented. Other Royal Warrant holders include; Rolls Royce & Bentley Motorcars, Dunlop, Aston Martin, Burberry Limited, Royal Doulton, Jaguar Motorcars, Austin Reed Group PLC, Steinway & Sons and Land Rover & Range Rover.

Hypnos Mattress Benefit Information

Handcrafting – Hypnos is the only truly handcrafted mattress in Canada.

Genuine Side Stitching: The borders of Hypnos mattress are expertly sewn through the sides to the coil system. This is a very time consuming process but the end results are well worth while. This procedure makes a Hypnos mattress the most structurally sound mattress available in Canada.

Hand Tufting: Unlike other tufted looking mattresses in Canada, Hypnos tufts go through the entire body of the mattress. This means the tuft you see on the top is connected to the one on the bottom. Adding another layer of structural integrity and helping the natural fills stay in place.

Matching Fabric Trim: Most mattresses use a very hard pre-fabricated tape edge to give a finish to the corner. Hypnos uses the same fabric as the body of the bed. This means a very soft and luxurious finish even to the edges.

Pure Brass: many other companies put brass coated finishes on their products so they will look elegant. Only Hypnos uses solid brass plates and vents for strength and longevity of life.

Natural Fill – Hypnos uses only the finest of natural fills

Cotton and Wool are strategically placed and combined for complete climate control. Warmth in the winter and cool in the summer.

Silk and Wool let you feel like you are floating on a cloud, most say a feeling like you have never had with a mattress.

Teased White Hair and Cashmere is a unique blend of Cattle, Hog tail and Cashmere that is designed to keep its shape even after many years of service. This blend of hair is heat treated to be completely clean, then bonded to give the long life shape retention.

Belgium Damask is not only luxurious looking but the one of the most tightly woven upholstery materials available to the bedding industry and is custom made just for Hypnos.

Body Support – Unique pocket coil design for true complete body support

Coil Counts: most pocket coil systems in Canada have about 500 to 800 coils in a queen size mattress. Hypnos starts over 1,000 coils and goes to over 2,000 individual pocket coils. Some other companies claim coil counts of this amount, however they typically stack coils on top of coils to accomplish this. Hypnos only uses individually wrapped full height coil for complete and perfect body forming support.

Honey Combing: Hypnos is one of the few companies that honeycomb (nest) their pocket coils together virtually eliminating the gaps between coils. This give you maximum body support no matter how you lay or how small an area you need supported.

Centre Tying: most coil manufactures connect their pocket coils together at the top in one form or another. Even the coil is still independent as one coil moves it moves the one beside it. Hypnos runs treads through the middle of its coil system allowing the tops to totally work independently of each other, again giving you perfect body support for every little curve.


Firmness vs Support: Often firmness and support are confused. Medical research has shown that it is proper support, not firmness, that cares for your muscle aches and pains. Further proper support will keep your spinal column in a straight line, in turn giving you a good nights sleep and physical well being. Hypnos’ unique coil structure is designed with this in mind. It will give you the support and comfort you need, for a good nights sleep and keep those morning aches away.

Firmness: Hypnos further offers their coils in different firmness’. This is so no matter what your body build is, there is a Hypnos mattress for you.

Dust Mite Control

Belgium Damask: The average person loses 11 pounds of skin per year. Our extremely tight woven Belgium Damask almost eliminates the dead skin from penetrating into the bed. Without this dead skin Dust Mites do not have the food they need to survive.

Natural Fills: Our unique combination of natural materials produces an enviroment that Dust Mites do not like and works as a natural Dust Mite inhibitor.

Moisture Control: It is a very well know fact that Dust Mites thrive in a moist warm setting. Hypnos mattresses are designed to breath, keeping them clean and dry inside for years and in turn eliminating a Dust Mites prefered residence.

Mold & Mildew Control

Natural Fills: Most mattresses in Canada use a combinations of different types of foams. Some are even completely foam. The average person loses about 1 cup of moisture each evening. This inevitably moves into your mattress. Foam is like a big sponge which absorbs and holds that moisture. Mold and mildew quickly builds up and creates an unhealthy sleeping environment. Natural fills breath taking that moisture from you.

Brass Airvents: After the Natural fills move the moisture way from you. As you move around the bed the individual coils push that moisture out the brass airvents. In a nutshell your bed breaths like no other so it can stay clean and healthy for a long time.

Asthma friendly

NO FOAMS: With no foams, Hypnos mattresses do not give off that petroleum gas that other mattresses do. Right from day one, foams start breaking down giving off a gas that can seriously effect the breathing of sensitive individuals. Further one of memory foams natural properties is to trap heat. They are often found to be too warm and uncomfortable.

Other Gases: Dust mites themselves do not really harm us. However the gas emitted from their faescies can become a serious issue. With Hypnos’ natural Dust Mite control this problem is minimized.

Effects from Mold & Mildew: Many asthmatics are extremely sensitive to Molds and Mildew. Because Hypnos mattresses stray extremely clean inside with its natural breathing, making it the cleanest mattress in Canada.

Common Questions and Answers

Q: Does Hypnos use Horse Hair?

A: Hypnos knows many people are allergic to Horse and this is why we use a combination of Cattle and Hog tail that has been sanitized.

Q: Does a Hypnos mattress need to be flipped?

A: Yes, especially because it is all natural it is important to flip and rotate the mattress as per the Care instructions. This will let the mattress provide you with a long and comfortable life.

Q: Is the Damask a natural material?

A: Yes, the Damask is made from natural Rayon, derived from wood pulp.

Q: Since there is no foam will the bed show body impressions?

A: Hypnos takes many steps to reduce the occurrence of body impresses. First they over fill the entire mattress then during the Tufting process pre pack the fills to the finished size you see. Next the tufts help keep the fills from moving around and leaving sagged areas. Last the unique combination of fills helps to keep everything the way they should be.

Q: Can you sleep on the edges?

A: Unlike other mattresses we do not have any solid foams and block on the edges on the mattress. However we do have butterfly edge supports and an edge to edge coil system. You should be able to comfortably sleep on the edges. You many feel a slight rolling at the beginning however this is subside in a short period as the fills settle.

Q: What are the different sizes of mattresses?

A: Hypnos makes its mattresses in 3 standard sizes, King, Queen and Single XL. Hypnos can also make custom sizes, including Doubles. Please call your local retailer for more information.

Q: Are there different size box springs (bases)?

A: Yes, with Hypnos you can have different types of boxsprings.

  • 1. Royal Pocket Coil base. This industry unique product has over 1000 pocket coils on the top, queen, to give the ultimate in comfort to you mattress. These coils are supported by 1″ thick Aspen wood, over 2 times the thickness most manufactures use. All is covered by matching fabric and elegant cording. Height of the Unit is about 11″. This incredible product comes standard on the Eminence and optional on the Empress.
  • 2. Royal Coil base or Weblock base. These boxes are more common with other manufactures best models. They are finished with matching fabric and cording. Height of the unit is about 8″. Standard for the Empress, Wendover and Magnolia. Optional for Eminence.
  • 3. Low Profile base. Built for those who wish or need a lower overall height. These use a Lock-fast module for strength and long term endurance. Finished with matching fabric and cording. Height is just under 7″. Optional on all models.
  • 4. Split bases for Queen mattresses. These units are available in reinforced wood semiflex and Weblock only. They are finished with matching fabric and cording. Height is about 8″ and is optional on all models.

Royal Comfort Collection

View the Royal Comfort Collection Brochure


Castle Collection

View the Castle Series Brochure




RAGWEED ALLERGY-Ragweed or AMBROSIA – Symptoms – Recognize ragweed and how to eliminate-Montreal Quebec Canada

RAGWEED ALLERGY-Ragweed or AMBROSIA – Symptoms – Recognize ragweed and how to eliminate-Montreal Quebec Canada

Ambrosia (ragweed) in the month August

Ragwed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.)
The Ambrosia grows in sunny, dry, often poor and where there is no competition with other plant species. To prevent its establishment, it is sufficient to limit the bare soil, by taking a seeding of plants adapted to site conditions and promoting effect by fertilization.Control of Ambrosia will not totally eliminate the problem but will reduce the rate of pollen in the air and thus help a large number of people inconvenienced by this allergy season.
Ragweed or AMBROSIA

Symptoms – Recognize ragweed and how to eliminate

Stuffy nose, watery eyes and itchy, the month of August to first frost, ragweed is still claiming victims. So without further ado, let’s learn to identify this weed which bears the Latin name of Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Once unmasked to fight against this problem, simply enforce the uprooting or cutting short just before flowering. THERE is no risk of allergic reaction to touch.

The appearance of ragweed

L'herbe à poux - son apparenceRagweed with its hairy stem and leaves of a greyish green.

What is it like this annual plant, responsible for the uncomfortable hay fever? She looks rather harmless and resembles almost any weed. So its asset: knowledge go unnoticed!

The ragweed reaches an average height of 70 cm. The stem, covered with hair, is topped with sheets of grayish green, thin and tightly cropped. They are opposed to the base and alternate at the top. During the months of June and July, the plant is covered with tiny green flowers shaped ear grouped at ends of stems. In August, flowering bursts to let fly into the air billions of pollen grains. And now, the damage is done!

Urban housing

To eliminate ragweed, it is still necessary to know where she is housed. The reaction promotes coexistence and flourished in colonies, encouraged by the rays of the sun.

The ragweed seems to have a penchant for right-of railroads, edges of sidewalks, construction sites, poorly maintained land, a piece of bare earth where calcium has burned the grass in a corner of the garden where the soil has been disturbed. It grows as … a weed!

Symptoms rather unpleasant

Casually, the ragweed causes great discomfort to more than 17.5% of our population. Its pollen causes severe unlucky in some reaction:

Pollen - herbe à poux

  • Irritation of the nose
  • Tingling of the throat
  • Repeated sneezing
  • Eyes swollen and teary
  • Sinus congestion
  • Hoarse cough up some chronic asthma

Health problems, social costs engendered by runaway medical costs and absenteeism at work, these are some of the consequences of this phenomenon that deserves our attention. A radical solution is needed: stop the problem at source by getting rid of the guilty!

Not to be confused with poison ivy

Poison ivy tends to grow near forested areas. This plant bears trifoliate leaves and hard fruit ranging in color from yellow to dull white. These leaves are almost smooth, glossy and sometimes alternate on a woody stem. His contact with the skin causes itchy skin immediately.

Ragweed, meanwhile, presents no danger to the touch and can be pulled at any time without consequence. And when we learn that the survivability of its seeds in the soil is more than 40 years, we realize the importance of taking all necessary means to make it disappear immediately spotted.

Petite herbe à poux

The ragweed seems to have a penchant for inhabited areas.

Herbe à puce 1 Herbe à puce 2

Poison ivy tends to grow near forested areas.

Dealing with it … before August!

How to get rid of this plant detestable? The simplest is to snatch it. It’s easy to do since it has a poorly developed root system. But beware! It is essential to perform the operation in June or July at the latest, that is to say, before flowering.

Regularly maintain his lawn. Mainly mowing evenly along the ground making sure to line the exposed corners, are all ways to prevent the emergence of this weed.

While grubbing remains the means of destruction over the practice, one can, in the case of land covered with grass, ragweed, shave regularly ground undesirables. In this way, we prevent them from unleashing their flowering so devastating. However, if one can not overcome, the services of professionals will undoubtedly save an infested field.

To learn more about ragweed, contact the Quebec Lung Association at 1 800 295-8111 ext 232





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