Tag: fight

ARGAN OIL NATURAL BIO OIL Properties – Virtues and Benefits

ARGAN OIL NATURAL BIO OIL Properties – Virtues and Benefits


ARGAN OIL Natural… How argan oil fight Psoriasis-Baldness-Osteoarthritis-Rheumatism-burns-the heavy legs and other health problems?

ARGAN OIL natural treasure of vitality and health

Argan oil is a medicinal oil known since antiquity for its dermatological properties (care for skin conditions and hair).

100% organic argan oil for all fans of Alternative Medicine.

It is used pure or enriched with the possible addition of essential oils for massage revitalizing health, preventive and curative.

This oil is naturally rich in vitamin E and Omega-3 can be classified in the family of nutraceuticals.

This is a real concentrate of nature, sun and vitality.

In traditional medicine, argan oil deals mainly with:

– Stretch marks
– Brown Spots
– Burn (heat or sunlight)

Argan Oil in the fight against psoriasis:

 ARGAN OIL NATURALPsoriasis for up to 3% of the population. This is a skin condition usually locatedon the elbows, knees with frequent damage to the scalp.
Particularly unsightly, it results in the production of red patches covered withscales abundant, clean, dry and brittle.

Traditionally argan oil is used by the Berber tribes of southern Morocco to treat psoriasis.
The effects are remarkable and it is likely that this is due to the high vitamin E content of argan oil.

Learn more about Argan Oil in the fight against psoriasis

Argan Oil to heal and relieve rheumatism, arthritis and joint pain

 ARGAN OIL NATURALOsteoarthritis is a degenerative rheumatic disease that occurs most often after age 50.

It affects the cartilage bones of the joint.

For reasons not yet fully understood the cartilage breaks down and forms of « sticking points » in contact with bone pain of the joint.

Care for osteoarthritis physiotherapy proven, especially if the massages are done with the argan oil to regenerative virtues recognized.

Learn more about the argan oil to heal and relieve rheumatism, arthritis and joint pain

Argan Oil in the fight against Hair Loss and Baldness


Hair loss affects both men and women. Its scientific name is alopecia.

From 20 years but most often after age 35, men can go up to a total baldness, though some women may also suffer from alopecia, especially after childbirth ormenopause.

Thanks to the strong regenerative power of its essential component, vitamin E,argan oil can treat problems of hair, both for the man to the woman.

Learn more about Argan Oil in the fight against psoriasis


The cosmetic properties:

Argan oil is rich in natural ingredients and active ingredients, omega 6, vitamin E, antioxidant, they play an important role in cell renewal. Argan oil is also saidargan argan oil reduces wrinkles and nourishes dry skin, it penetrates quicklythus avoiding to have a fat deposit, it is a dry oil. Argan oil promotes healing oftraces left by acne, chicken pox, pimples and other skin irritations or attackssuch as stretch marks, cracks and burns.

The benefits of argan oil for hair:

Used for hair care, argan oil in favor of strengthening and shine the hair dry, dulland fragile. All this naturally.

How to use argan oil on the hair?

To give strength and vitality to fragile hair, apply argan oil an hour beforeshampoo all over the hair, then wash and rinse .. Warning: Do not overdo it on the scalp or you’ll spend the bottle of shampoo!

Council for fragile hair:

To protect your hair from the drying effects of sun, sea salt, or chlorine, use arganoil by touching the hair styling.


Argan oil to combat stretch marks

 ARGAN OIL NATURALStretch marks are skin breaks. Essentially, it is women who are victims.

In particular, during the great changes that are physical puberty and pregnancy orslimming diets that follow one another.

Learn more about Argan Oil to combat stretch marks

Argan oil to combat dark spots

Brown spots on the face, neck, backs of hands and forearms are the result ofexposure to UV sunlight. These brown spots, also known as age spots,increases with age. However, they may appear in some subjects at 25 years.

Learn more about Argan Oil to combat dark spots

Argan oil to relieve tired legs




Prepare massage oil as well as before against rheumatism. Make touches on your legs with the palm and with your fingertips and let your hand glide over the entire leg.

Argan oil to allow for faster healing, soothe burns

Use your pure argan oil. The night before bed, apply directly to wounds, irritated areas or burns. That all your acts argan oil at night.

Argan Oil to restore circulation and return to fitness and vitality



Add to argan oil a few drops of essential oils of cinnamon, lemon and thyme.

Knead and mix your members (especially the legs) to penetrate deep into the dermis to allow better blood circulation, restore tone to your body and return tofitness and vitality.

Take your muscles regularly twist, firmly, slowly and then faster. This eliminatesmuscle tension, toxins and body fatigue states.
Finish by tapping to fully activate your blood circulation.

BED BUGS- HEALTH PROBLEMS due to Bed Bugs?! How to KILL BED BUGS get rid of bed bugs

BED BUGS- Health problems due to bed bugs?! How to KILL BED BUGS get rid of bed bugs?

Bed Bugs

How to kill bed bugs

Preparation for the treatment of bed bugs

Bed bugs have oval flattened bodies, wingless and measure 4-7 mm long. They are a shiny brown colored insect. They swell after a blood meal and then take a dark brown color. There are three stages in the development cycle of a flea: egg, nymph and adult. The eggs are white and about 1 mm long. The nymphs look the same as adults, but are smaller. The last stage takes six weeks to several months to happen. The bug is usually found in the bedroom where it feeds on the sleepers’ blood at night.

Bed bugs

Biology Bed bugs feed on human blood: The most common species is the common bed bug (Cimex Mlectularius). They are a serious nuisance and abundantly present.

Bed bugs
Bed bugs

A blood meal takes 10 to 15 minutes for the adult bedbug, but less time for the nymph. During the day, the bug lies mainly on the periphery of the mattress. Depending on the degree of the infestation, it is also found hidden in cracks on the walls, floors and furnitures, in bed frames, behind pictures and under the wallpaper, hiding places also serve as breeding sites.

A temperature of 44oC to 45oC (111oF – 113oF) is lethal to these bugs. Their survival time is assessed to about 20 minutes when the temperature is 65oC.

Adults can survive more than a year without getting any blood.


Bed bugs
Bed bugs

The bug does not get far from its host if it can eat from them regularly. If the infestation is heavy, they can migrate to other rooms. The absence of prey leads to a dispersion of the bug. Thus, when the bugs are present in a room where the people sleep regularly, they tend to stay put. Be careful because if you remove them from the room, the bugs will be dispersed throughout the house or even elsewhere in the building. If this is not the case, they move from one room to another while walking on the ground. Removal or displacement of articles already infested (furniture, bedding, clothing, suitcases, etc..) From an inhabited place to another is the main mode of spread of bedbugs.

Bed bugs

Importance for your health

Table 1 summarizes the main effects on the skin (and other more rare cases) associated with bedbug bites. The lesions are similar to those occasioned by a mosquito bite. Typically, bedbug bites appear as three to four bites in a straight line or grouped in one place on the skin, but if the house is seriously infested, several lesions may appear in multiple places on exposed skin when sleeping.

For most people, the bites will result in the formation of small reddish lesions that develop into elevated and hardened lesions. There is frequently a central puncture site of inoculation. These lesions cause severe itching, therefore, they are very troublesome. These lesions are more symptomatic in the morning and the intensity of redness and pruritus (itching) decreases during the day. The lesions occur mainly on exposed arms, legs and back. If the person is not stung again, the lesions disappear after two weeks.

Effects much less frequent but more serious may occur such as nettlerash and giant bulbous eruption that may be hemorrhagic. Children with atopy (allergies) are more likely to develop papular urticaria. Finally, anaphylactic reactions have rarely been documented (see Table 1 for a brief description of these effects on health).

In another words, secondary bacterial infections can occur from recurrent scratching from itching. However, this case is rare.

Table 1. Summary of skin problems associated with bedbugs

Type of problem Brief Description Frequency
Wheal A smooth, slightly elevated, more reddish or pale skin surrounding the associated itching and usually transient. Following each bite
Nettlerash Rapid swelling of the skin with severe itching. Rare
Bulbous eruptions sometimes bleeding Similar to the bells on the skin, sometimes filled with blood. Rare
Papular urticaria Presence of papules 3 to 10 mm, sometimes surmounted by a vesicle that is more persistent than the wheals or typical nettlerash. These lesions can last from several weeks to several months. They are generally clustered and occur more often in young children. We can find these lesions on exposed parts. Rare

No research has focused on the impact of an infestation by bugs on mental health and sleep. However, some references indicate that repeated bug bites could cause insomnia and anxiety.

Although at one time bug bites were suspected of transmitting viral hepatitis, or to develop anemia caused by multiple stings, so far, no proof of disease transmission by bugs or development of anemia has been documented.

Improper application of insecticides on mattresses to eliminate bugs can have important effects on health, particularly towards children. This practice is therefore to be avoided (see next section).

Control Measures

When the presence of bedbugs is suspected, it is strongly advised to call a professional to ensure that they are located correctly and that the various control methods (including the use of insecticides in some areas) are adequately made according to the standards. exterminators must first ensure that the right product is used and that insecticides are not spread over the beds of people. The exterminator is coming every month out of two in order to kill the bugs that will hatch despite the first use of insecticide. Several steps must be taken by the occupant during the process of extermination. These measures are explained to tenants by the firm responsible of the extermination.

Locating the insects

The infestation can be confirmed by the discovery (in the potential hiding places of bedbugs) of live insects, exuviae, eggs or faeces. These can be visible as small dark brown or black spots on the sheets, walls and wallpaper, and sometimes even in electrical appliances.

Control Methods

1. Physical Barriers

Simple barriers may be used. A barrier can be made by coating the legs of the bed with a few inches of petroleum jelly (Vaseline).

However, it should ensure that no part of the bed touches a wall that would provide an alternative access to the bed.

2. Cleaning by vacuum

Vacuuming is a very effective way to remove bugs already present. It is recommended to vacuum the mattress and box springs particularly where the seams, folds and structures are in the infested beds. If the outer envelope of the mattress is torn, bed bugs may have seeped inside it. If so, you may be obliged to dispose of the mattress, in this case, it is very important to clearly indicate that the mattress is infested so as not to shift the problem elsewhere. You should also vacuum the floor and where it is suspected that the bugs are hiding. Be sure to get rid of the vacuum bag immediately, without opening it, in a place where bugs can’t disperse again.

Used furniture should always be carefully inspected and cleaned before being used. Bedbugs are easily dispersed through the exchange of furniture or clothes.

3. Cleaning the bedding

Bedding (pillowcases, sheets, mattress covers, etc.) and linen should be washed with hot water and soap. The bedding should be placed directly into the washer from a plastic bag to prevent the spread of bedbugs in the laundry room and around the building.

4. Use of insecticides

We recall that it is always advisable to hire a professional exterminator to treat your home with insecticides. It will use a registered insecticide while respecting the recommendations designed to minimize the risks associated with the use of these products. Among the effective insecticides, it is preferable to use pyrethrins, pyrethroids and boric acid, as these products have a lower toxicity to humans than many other types of insecticides. People should avoid to do the extermination themselves, since the bugs are often resistant to the product used. If the product is misused, it will aggravate the problem rather than decrease it. Moreover, it is strongly recommended to use hot steam for the treatment of the mattress which are favorite places for bugs. This technique is effective and can significantly reduce children’s exposure to insecticides.

Pyrethrins and pyrethroids are sprayed everywhere we can find bedbugs, or along cracks in the walls, floor and furniture, bed frames, behind pictures and under the wallpaper. You must ventilate the area after the application of insecticides. Neither people nor animals should enter the rooms during the application of treatment or re-enter treated areas within two hours after treatment, and preferably six hours after treatment. It is also important to not walk barefoot on treated areas until 24-48 hours.

Boric acid is applied along the cracks in walls, floors, behind furniture and under the wallpaper that generally have bedbugs.

The insecticides do not work on the eggs. We must therefore repeat the treatment a month after applying the first treatment to ensure that the problem is eliminated.


Bed bugs
Bed bugs

Adults: 5-8 mm
Nymphs: 1-5 mm
Eggs: 1 mm
Antennas: 4 segments

The color varies from a pale yellow to a brownish red depending on the stage of development and blood ingested.

/ Signs of infestation

  • Bites
  • Bloodstains on the sheets or pillows
  • Faeces (black spots)
  • Exuviae (empty skin left behind after moulting)
  • Adults and nymphs
  • eggs (white)
  • A peculiar smell musty or moldy (infestations)


Bed bugs
Eggs Bed bugs

Egg production:

  • 1 to 5 eggs per day per adult female
  • Up to 500 eggs per female in his life
  • The eggs are attached by a sticky secretion
  • 6 to 10 days to hatch

Life cycle

  • from egg to adult: 21 days at 30 ° C and 120 days at 16 ° C (relative humidity 75-80%)
  • 5 nymphal stages requiring a blood meal and a moulting to the next stage
  • Life expectancy under normal conditions: 316 days
  • 3 to 4 generations per year

Development Factors

  • Minimum temperature for development: 13 ° C
  • Lethal temperatures: Low: -16 ° C constant for 4 days. High: 50 ° C for 3 hours.
  • Much prefer human blood but merely a warm-blooded animal.
  • Their meals take 3 to 12 minutes.
  • Under certain conditions, adult bed bugs can survive a year without feeding.


  • Bedbugs move into the bags, luggage, furniture and other objects and are carried by people.
  • Once introduced, they are often spread throughout the building.
  • They tend to move as close as possible to their food source.
  • They can move anywhere when the population increases.
  • When disturbed or hunted, they hide anywhere.
  • They gather in groups in their hiding places where they lay eggs, defecate and moult.
  • The bugs come out at night but could be active by day if the food is not available at night or during a severe infestation.
  • Bedbugs are attracted by carbon dioxide, heat and body odor.
  • We generally observed that when given a choice, prefer to bite children first, then women and men as a last choice.
  • Bedbugs prefer a dry, semi obscure, tissues or uneven surfaces.
  • Its preference is for wood surfaces, paper and tissues.
  • Bedbugs disdain drafts, polished surfaces and metal objects, but they can still navigate.
  • They do not like the movement.
  • After treatment, if no bite or no evidence of the presence of bugs is found in a period of 45 days, the problem is almost certainly set. If there is occurrence of bugs or bites after a period of 45 days without activity, bedbugs have very likely been reintroduced.

Factors of the bedbugs’ resurgence in the world

  • Although nearly exterminated in North America after World War II, bedbugs have remained widespread in Asia, Africa, Central and South America and Europe.
  • Bugs naturally settle in the bags, luggage, furniture and other objects and are carried by the millions of visitors and tourists.
  • The more targeted use of insecticides and bait traps for several years has given free rein to bugs.
  • The recall of several insecticides that were effective against bedbugs and other restrictions on the use of insecticides.
  • Lack of knowledge of our own health and of the population in general helped to disperse the bugs before making a diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Health risk

  • Although bugs can sometimes carry human pathogens, no study could prove they also transmit it. For this reason, Health Canada does not consider it a public health problem. We believe that this could change.
  • Lack of sleep
  • Infections of the wounds if you scratch
  • Isolation or psychological problems
  • Repeated exposure to insecticides if multiple treatments are inconclusive
  • Respiratory problems due to exuviae’s particles of bugs that are found in the air.

Bite Reaction

Bed bugs
Bite of Bed bugs
  • Reactions can vary greatly from one person to another depending on his degree of sensitivity
  • Normally, small red swelling appears because of an allergy some people have. It is a reaction to the saliva injected by the bug
  • 30% of the population have no reaction after being stung
  • The reaction can occur up to 2 weeks after the bite

Working with your landlord and / or manager of property is desirable and even crucial to overcome the infestation. It will be important to contact him to get a date for the treatment.

Talk with him to know how all the stages of the preparation are going before the treatment. Listed below are the recommendations that will help you prepare the affected areas of your home for the treatment.

kill Bed bugs
Kill Bed bugs
  • Empty the closets, drawers, desks. Place bedding and clothing in plastic bags, close them and take them out of the room. Make sure all bags are securely closed before moving from one room to another.
  • Wash bedding and clothing in the hottest water possible, then dry them at the highest temperature. Replace all bedding and clothing in new plastic bags and close them again.
  • All carpets, handmade carpets, upholstery and imported fabrics require steam cleaning and / or professional dry cleaning.
  • Throw away unnecessary clutter and remove any objects lying on the floor. Wash all floors, desks, drawers, closets housing before treatment.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner with a crevice tool to capture bed bugs and eggs. Vacuum crevices of the mattress on the bed frame, box spring, headboard, bed legs, baseboards, quarter round, trim and all the objects that are near the bed. Repeat the same process in all parts of the house. Make sure the vacuum has a bag that can be removed after each use. Avoid using bag-less vacuums. Vacuum every day after the application of insecticide and remove the bag after each use.
  • 24 hours after treatment, you can put the lingerie and clothing in the desks, dressers, drawers, closets and night stands. Do not wash the insecticide for at least 30 days or 90 days, for best results.

No animals, fish, reptile or bird should be in contact with the workpiece infected for at least 30 days after application of the insecticide.

When the treatment is done, particularly when the mattress and pillows have been treated, we recommend closing the door of the room in question and preferably wait at least 24 hours before returning to sleep, especially if it’s a child’s room. Although low toxicity pesticides are recommended, you should still respect the delay to reduce the risk of exposure and particularly for those who are more sensitive. Once the delay is over, it is necessary to ensure proper ventilation of the room, ideally, by opening the window for some time. After making sure the mattress is dry, you will then have to put a mattress cover in plastic with a zipper, clean sheets and pillowcases before going to bed again.

If the mattress, box springs, futons, sofa beds and chairs have cracks and / or holes, they must be put in the trash. You will have to make sure it is respecting the environment and public health.

New post of Bed bugs, kill them with a new natural product!!

FALL HAIR LOSS BALDNESS of Man and Woman with a Natural Treatment Arg-OIL SOLUTION for Hair Loss and How to fight against the BALDNESS

FALL HAIRLOSS BALDNESS of Man and Woman with a Natural Treatment Arg-OIL SOLUTION for Hair Loss and How to fight against the BALDNES

Fall hair loss Balding Argan Oil: the natural


Cas de Calvitie

Baldness touches mainly the male sex. At the , the fall of the hair begins between 20 and 35 years. However the women can suffer from it, often after a pregnancy, or because of a not adapted contraceptive pill, or at the age of the menopause.

On average, men and women lose between 50 and 100 hair per . It is normal! It is related on to the life cycle of the hair. One notes a phase of growth of the hair during 5 years, a phase of stop of growth of a few weeks only, then a phase of deterioration and falls of the hair of which the duration is of approximately 3 months.

With the autumn, during 1 month with 1 month and half, this fall is more important than during the other months of the year but this seasonal variation does not present abnormal character.

, the phase of fall is followed of pushes back. So on the other hand, the fall is final one speaks then about alopécia being able to go until a complete baldness.



If the seasonal fall of the autumn persists after its normal period from 4 to 6 weeks, or if the of hair is abnormal during several months, it there place to be worried some.

That can be with a catch of certain drugs (if it is the case, it is indicated on the note as for the amphetamines or the anticoagulants) or with a food deficiency (proteins, iron, zinc). The stress, an emotional shock or a disease can be at the origin of the of hair. It is to better ask its doctor a complete checkup to find the cause of this alopécie.

Also take guard with the too proportioned shampoos or with the too frequent dyeings which literally attack the hair and weaken it.

But , the main cause of baldness is a male excess of hormones. One speaks then about alopécie androgenic. It concerns as well the as the woman.

At the , this of baldness is hereditary and is transmitted of wire father. Thus if your father were victim of baldness, there is a very strong probability so that you yourself are reached by it. In fact, the androgenic male hormones shorten the lifespan of the hair. If these male hormones are produced in too strong quantity, the lifespan of the hair accelerates. Their fall becomes too fast then. Pushes back is delayed, is done under bad conditions or does not intervene any more.

The beginning of baldness appears at the beginning by an explanation above it face for quickly reaching the top of cranium. The temples and the nape of the neck are dismantled in the last

At the woman, this alopécie androgenic starts with the menopause when the of female hormones (oestrogen) is not sufficient any more to fight the androgens responsible for the fall of the hair. It is this same hormonal imbalance which is the cause at the woman of the rarefaction of the hair after the pregnancy or because of certain not adapted contraceptive pills.

of hair is marked than at the . However the hair becomes more “thin”, more end, more breakable and sparse.

Drugs to fight against baldness

In the event of hormonal imbalance of with the too strong proportion of androgens a local treatment containing minoxidil or oral examination can make it possible to reduce the of baldness. But the result is not guaranteed to 100%. In any event, in the event of relative success and once started, this treatment cannot be stopped under penalty of losing the benefit of it. This life treatment “” with the disadvantage also of having in certain cases of the side effects or of starting allergies.

Clerc’s Offices of hair

In addition to the drugs, one can practise Clerc’s Offices of hair. Generally they are microphone-Clerc’s Offices. One takes small hairy surfaces of on the nape of the neck which one establishes on the dismantled zones of the . This is practised under local anaesthesia into 2 to 3 a.m. and must be repeated several times according to surface to cover with a 3 months interval minimum.

The price of this is high. At a cost a little weaker, one can be made graft implants, with however the risk of rejection.


Greffe de cheveux

Treatments for the baldness and the direct action of the oil of argan

When the cause of the fall of the hair is external (consequence of certain drugs or deprives food), the treatments are easy. It is as far as possible enough to cease the administration of the drug in question or to compensate for the deficiency.

Of sound with dimensions the natural oil of argan is famous for its revitalizing action of the hair, in particular on the level of its bulb (ridicalizing action). The oil of argan prolongs the lifespan of the hair and supports as well pushes back it at the as the woman because it stimulates the of keratin, essential component of the hair.

Thus the oil of argan is at the base many treatments and hair lotions and shampoos but it also available in treatments specialized for an direct action on the roots to the fast and recognized effects.

ARGAN OIL BENEFITS an Effective remedy against Psoriasis – A pure natural product is 100% – Argan Oil for Regenerative PSORIASIS ADVANCE

ARGAN OIL BENEFITS an Effective remedy against Psoriasis – A pure natural product is 100% – Argan Oil for Regenerative PSORIASIS ADVANCE


The psoriasis is a disease skin and scalp which affects both men and women, especially Caucasians.

This dermatosis key 1 to 3% population whose appearance particularly unattractive may have a repulsive effect in everyday life. In addition subjects with psoriasis have a higher probability of being victims of myocardial infarction And more so that affected areas are expanded.

Guttate psoriasis

But today it is possible contenir, mitigate and avoid extension of psoriasis through Benefits 100% organic of natural argan oil.


We still do not know the precise causes of psoriasis is suspected but familial and genetic this condition. Indeed, 30% of victims of this serious skin disease have a family member who also suffers, either 10 to 30 times more than the average prevalence rate in the population.

A number of genes have been identified as risk markers of psoriasis with PSOR located on the chromosome 6 and seems to be involved in more than one in three of psoriasis family.

But the disease would also components auto-immune, microbiological and environmental, at least as triggers.

Psoriasis is caused by the fact thatEpidermis renews itself too quickly. In just 4-6 days instead of three weeks normally. In addition it leads to local inflammation.

Because of this renewal too fast epidermal cells accumulate on the surface of the skin and form what are called «  dander ‘, That is to say, layers of white dandruff-looking unsightly even if they are only cell layers dead.

Psoriasis on the elbows

These scales covering red patches highlight the number and size variables and can change over time. The Psychosocial are important in the relationship of the person with psoriasis with his family, and colleagues in all aspects of everyday life.

In addition, psoriasis which causes severe itching scratching induced new lesions with risk of on bacterial infection.

Furthermore we note in the dermis under the epidermis the presence of numerous white blood cells, or leukocytes Which suggest a more or less direct the immune system.

Outbreaks of psoriasis are often associated with periods of stress or demonstrated Infectious factors such as streptococci, but it is difficult to pinpoint the trigger. By cons, it was shown that alcohol is an aggravating factor Psoriasis and some type drugs beta-blockers because of their cardiovascular effects. Only qualified medical personnel is able to judge. Similarly, care must be taken, but with lower risk with drugs such as sartans andenalapril.

By cons, there are natural treatments as massage oil argan that allow effectively fight against psoriasis no side effects.

The 2 main forms of psoriasis

Indeed, there are 2 forms of psoriasis:

  1. a mild or only parts of the body are affected: the scalp, the nails of the feet or hands, feet or hands, knees or elbows and sometimes genitals.
  2. A severe form or the whole body can be affected

Psoriasis appears most significantly at 2 ages:

  1. Among pre-adolescents, adolescents and young adults, between 10 and 20 years.
  2. But especially patients mature, between 50 and 60 years.

This dermatitis is a chronic evolving differently from one topic to another between advanced and remissions whose durations differ individually. These remissions can reach tens of years. The lesions disappear and it is said that psoriasis is «  milled . But periods of remission duration are highly variable and they are never complete and final.

Is unknown to date no complete cure psoriasis but it is possible dealOf decrease its intensity andbring Victim of this skin disease a better quality of life. In particular, in natural and organic treatments, the argan oil allow a significant relief of this dermatosis.

As evidenced by the traditional use of this natural oil and totally organic, derived from the fruit of the argan tree, in the Berber tribes of southern Morocco to treat this dermatosis.



This is the type of psoriasis most frequently encountered in more than 90% of cases. The affected areas of the body lesions are red, irritated and have large scales. The center of the lesion is normal but when the scales fall they leave the skin raw.

When part of the body is reached, its symmetric part is often. So if the right elbow is hit, the left is also.
Plaque psoriasis achieved the elbows, knees, scalp, lower back and the area around the navel and may affect body healed old wounds.

Guttate psoriasis

Guttate psoriasis is noticed by a proliferation of small drops of psoriasis on all body parts. Because of their small size these little white drop faster than the plates and leave the body less to live.

You can find this type of psoriasis on all parts of the body subject to friction due to clothing: size (belts skirts and pants), forearms (wrists shirts and sweatshirts), breast (bra straps), but also scalp and earlobes.

Pustular psoriasis

Pustular psoriasis

This is the result of the worsening of psoriasis and proliferation of squamous layers. Pustules are formed flat white and yellow tend to be welded. These pustules are amicrobial and are often located between the toes or hands.

Inverse psoriasis

This type of psoriasis is localized in the folds of the arm (shoulder, elbow and wrist) and leg (hip, knee folds and instep). Attacks are less but more irritated scaly and sometimes oozing

Erythrodermic psoriasis

Erythrodermic psoriasis

This is a form of psoriasis affecting the entire integument and having congestive redness of the skin (erythema). The scales are thin and fall in large pieces often accompanied by fever and anorexia. It is often accompanied der superinfections
and hair and nails may fall.

Nail psoriasis

Psoriasis nail on the toe nails and hand. It is present in half of cases of psoriasis. The nail shows a speckled white, become brittle and often flips.

Psoriatic arthritis

This is a complication of skin lesions in 5-25% of cases of psoriasis, but it can happen before in a few cases.

It is an inflammation with symptoms of arthritis. It is an inflammatory arthritis, deforming and can be very debilitating chronic.

He can be reached:

Is the axis of the body (neck, spine and especially the sacroiliac area or peripheral areas, often in the phalanges of the fingers of the hand or foot. In this case, fingers and nails are often affected by psoriasis.



The medicated creams for local treatment

  • The Corticosteroids act on psoriasis, but their positive impact often interrupted immediately after cessation of treatment. In addition, there is gradual desensitization which requires increasing the ointment as and its application.
  • The Calcipotriol (Vitamin D derivative) acts as a substitute for UV exposure but treatment is limited because at high doses it is toxic.
  • The Taratozène (Derived from vitamin A), but its tolerance is still lower than calcipotriol.
  • The Tars were previously used against psoriasis but particularly dirty, they could make it look as repulsive as the scales regardless of whether they might contain carcinogens.
  • The Anthralène is a derivative of tar. It is also messy and more often with a strong irritant.


Thesun exposure is a traditional treatment for psoriasis but is not recommended in 10% of cases.

The Ultraviolet A and B must be performed under strict medical supervision and have the disadvantage of having a threshold variable patient pain of photoaging or skin cancers.

The PUVA combines tablets Psoralen just before UVA exposure However, with the risk of skin sensitization.

Systemic treatments

They are medically prescribed for more severe forms of psoriasis. Taken orally or by injection and spread throughout the body, often with serious side risks.

Known as the Methotrexate, the Acitretin Do not administer to pregnant women, the Cyclosporine with the risk of weakening auto-immune system.

Some antibodies are also known as the Alefacept.
The Efalizumab whose effectiveness at least in the medium term is demonstrated. For his part Etanercept has a good efficacy against psoriatic arthritis.

The Argan Oil, a traditional remedy for psoriasis

Argan Oil

The argan oil is a traditional remedy of Berber tribes of South-Morocco to fight against psoriasis.

Applied after bathing in anointing the parts affected, its effectiveness is proven especially coupled with a slight exposure to the sun.

It is assumed, but the mechanisms of action are not fully understood, that this efficiency is related to the high regenerative power of vitamin E including the argan oil is high.

This treatment is totally natural and organic.

RAGWEED ALLERGY-Ragweed or AMBROSIA – Symptoms – Recognize ragweed and how to eliminate-Montreal Quebec Canada

RAGWEED ALLERGY-Ragweed or AMBROSIA – Symptoms – Recognize ragweed and how to eliminate-Montreal Quebec Canada

Ambrosia (ragweed) in the month August

Ragwed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.)
The Ambrosia grows in sunny, dry, often poor and where there is no competition with other plant species. To prevent its establishment, it is sufficient to limit the bare soil, by taking a seeding of plants adapted to site conditions and promoting effect by fertilization.Control of Ambrosia will not totally eliminate the problem but will reduce the rate of pollen in the air and thus help a large number of people inconvenienced by this allergy season.
Ragweed or AMBROSIA

Symptoms – Recognize ragweed and how to eliminate

Stuffy nose, watery eyes and itchy, the month of August to first frost, ragweed is still claiming victims. So without further ado, let’s learn to identify this weed which bears the Latin name of Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Once unmasked to fight against this problem, simply enforce the uprooting or cutting short just before flowering. THERE is no risk of allergic reaction to touch.

The appearance of ragweed

L'herbe à poux - son apparenceRagweed with its hairy stem and leaves of a greyish green.

What is it like this annual plant, responsible for the uncomfortable hay fever? She looks rather harmless and resembles almost any weed. So its asset: knowledge go unnoticed!

The ragweed reaches an average height of 70 cm. The stem, covered with hair, is topped with sheets of grayish green, thin and tightly cropped. They are opposed to the base and alternate at the top. During the months of June and July, the plant is covered with tiny green flowers shaped ear grouped at ends of stems. In August, flowering bursts to let fly into the air billions of pollen grains. And now, the damage is done!

Urban housing

To eliminate ragweed, it is still necessary to know where she is housed. The reaction promotes coexistence and flourished in colonies, encouraged by the rays of the sun.

The ragweed seems to have a penchant for right-of railroads, edges of sidewalks, construction sites, poorly maintained land, a piece of bare earth where calcium has burned the grass in a corner of the garden where the soil has been disturbed. It grows as … a weed!

Symptoms rather unpleasant

Casually, the ragweed causes great discomfort to more than 17.5% of our population. Its pollen causes severe unlucky in some reaction:

Pollen - herbe à poux

  • Irritation of the nose
  • Tingling of the throat
  • Repeated sneezing
  • Eyes swollen and teary
  • Sinus congestion
  • Hoarse cough up some chronic asthma

Health problems, social costs engendered by runaway medical costs and absenteeism at work, these are some of the consequences of this phenomenon that deserves our attention. A radical solution is needed: stop the problem at source by getting rid of the guilty!

Not to be confused with poison ivy

Poison ivy tends to grow near forested areas. This plant bears trifoliate leaves and hard fruit ranging in color from yellow to dull white. These leaves are almost smooth, glossy and sometimes alternate on a woody stem. His contact with the skin causes itchy skin immediately.

Ragweed, meanwhile, presents no danger to the touch and can be pulled at any time without consequence. And when we learn that the survivability of its seeds in the soil is more than 40 years, we realize the importance of taking all necessary means to make it disappear immediately spotted.

Petite herbe à poux

The ragweed seems to have a penchant for inhabited areas.

Herbe à puce 1 Herbe à puce 2

Poison ivy tends to grow near forested areas.

Dealing with it … before August!

How to get rid of this plant detestable? The simplest is to snatch it. It’s easy to do since it has a poorly developed root system. But beware! It is essential to perform the operation in June or July at the latest, that is to say, before flowering.

Regularly maintain his lawn. Mainly mowing evenly along the ground making sure to line the exposed corners, are all ways to prevent the emergence of this weed.

While grubbing remains the means of destruction over the practice, one can, in the case of land covered with grass, ragweed, shave regularly ground undesirables. In this way, we prevent them from unleashing their flowering so devastating. However, if one can not overcome, the services of professionals will undoubtedly save an infested field.

To learn more about ragweed, contact the Quebec Lung Association at 1 800 295-8111 ext 232