Tag: heart

DARK CHOCOLATE – Effects and Benefits of on Health and its Benefits on our Arteries, three different studies, High pressure,Diabetes,Heart Artery

DARK CHOCOLATE Effects and Benefits of on Health and its Benefits on our Arteries, three different studies, HIGH PRESSURE, DIABETES, HEART ARTERY

Dark Chocolate is Good, also for the Arteries!

The benefits of dark chocolate on our roads

A U.S. study published on Saturday, dark chocolate improves their functioning.

This study confirms the medicinal properties of cocoa for the cardiovascular systemalready highlighted by other research.

With the approach of Easter, that’s news to your health, that will make you happy.According to a study published Saturday, dark chocolate improves the functioning of the arteries. Other research had so far already highlighted the medicinal propertiesof cocoa for the cardiovascular system. Without inviting the public to eat all chocolate, the researchers from Yale University (Connecticut), found the results of this study sufficiently compelling to justify a clinical trial, and larger over a long period among people selected at random.

« In this sample of nearly forty healthy adults, daily consumption of dark chocolate over a short period resulted in a marked improvement in the cellular function of the arteries and we believe that a longer trial might show more large positive effects, « explained the physician. The 39 people, men and women, who participated fully in the study of six weeks, were divided into three groups. The former consumed daily227 grams of unsweetened chocolate, the second of sweet dark chocolate and the third a placebo.

During this same period, the doctors measured before and after consumption ofportions assigned to each group, the capacity of the main artery of the arm to relaxto allow more blood flow. These measurements were made using an instrument ultrasonic high-frequency.

Same effect as aspirin

In both groups who consumed cocoa, the brachial artery of their ability to relax has improved significantly with 2.4% for subjects who took the non-sweet dark chocolate and 1.5% for others. But in the placebo group subject to the ability of their brachial artery to relax decreased by 0.8%. Flavonoids, powerful antioxidants which cocoa is rich, have already long been known for their effects on arterial dilators. They are also found in fruits, legumes and red wine.According to a study by Dr. Diane Becker, a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore (Maryland,), published last November, a few squares of dark chocolate daily have taken the same effect as aspirin to reduce blood clottingand reduce the risk of blocked arteries responsible for many heart attacks.


The recent publication of a German study revealed the effect of chocolate on cardiovascular risk.

The medicinal properties of chocolate appeared in an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association. This study, conducted by five pharmacologists from the University of Cologne, Germany, confirm its benefits in controlling hypertension.

This publication confirms and reinforces other studies on the subject: one of them and put in evidence that daily consumption of chocolate liquor (100 grams), rich in flavanols (family of polyphenols, which are found also in wine), decreased blood pressure.

But there was no evidence yet « what the effect might be small amounts of dark chocolate rich in cocoa and sugar and low in fat, » says Dr. Dirk Taubert, the study’s author.

This study, conducted between January 2005 and December 2006, was based on a batch of 44 adults (20 men and 24 women) aged 56-73 years and subject to a prehypertension or stage 1 hypertension. Two groups were made.

One group ate two squares of chocolate every day containing 30 milligrams of polyphenols. The second group has meanwhile ate white chocolate, devoid of polyphenols, substances classified as having Antioxia properties dilate the arteries.

The experiment was based on a period of eighteen weeks.

The group has tasted of dark chocolate daily showed a decrease in blood pressure and without weight gain. This experience has demonstrated a significant reduction in the prevalence of hypertension: 18% (from 86 to 68%). The group « white » has meanwhile seen any changes in the prevalence of hypertension. For example, a blood pressure of 14 / 9 would be reduced to 13.7 / 88.

This study demonstrates that dark chocolate reduces the risk of dying from a stroke (8%) or cardiac (5%).
Other recent studies including one published in the journal in February 2007 and US Pharmacist conducted by researchers in California revealed that dark chocolate without sugar was acting on the muscle tone of the wall of the brachial artery.

Another dating from November 2006 and presented to the meeting of the American Heart Association by Dr. Diane Becker assured the daily intake of several grams of dark chocolate a similar effect to aspirin to reduce blood clotting.

On the other aprt, Dr. Norman Hollenberg has shown, following the ingestion of chocolate liquor, an increase in cerebral blood flow of people of fifty years in good health.

The growing scientific evidence and for the healing of dark chocolate.

According to Dr. Kelm Malta, author of a 2005 study on its effects in smokers, « the cocoa rich in flavanols, can significantly improve an important part of cardiovascular health in a population with an already known risk of cardiovascular disease  »

The benefits of cocoa, however, are not new: traditionally used by the Kuna Indians of Panama, they show no signs of hypertension.

But cocoa has other virtues to its credit: against bad cholesterol with oleic acid, stearic acid, and phytosterols, constipation and stress.


The chemical properties of chocolate are complex. It contains over 300 substances, including caffeine and small amounts of the obromine which is a weaker stimulant. Another stimulant phenylethylamine chemically related to amphetamines, it also found.

At the annual meeting of the European Society of Sexology held in December in London, Dr. Andrea Salonia, an Italian researcher, reported a link between sexual satisfaction and chocolate. He said the chocolate loving women seem to have a better love life. Groups that are compared, however, heterogeneous, 120 women ina middle-aged 35 years and about thirty of them in the other group and middle-agedabove 40 years.

One of the known claims about chocolate is that it can contribute to aggravate acne.This seems to be reversed by two studies, one conducted at the University of Pennsylvania where a group of acne patients received chocolate and the other a placebo taste of chocolate acne was neither improved nor has worsened. The other study on 80 people with acne who consummated either chocolate or abstained from eating. After a month, observation showed no changes in acne from one group to another.

Other researchers have shown that high levels of phenols chocolate products, also found in red wine may help prevent coronary disease.

According to a recent article in the British Medical Journal 100 g of dark chocolate daily reduces blood pressure by 5 mm Hg, the reduction in blood pressure corresponding to a reduction of cardio vascular events by 21%.




Crédits photo : Kathy Willens/AP

A very interesting study about … chocolate! Greed when you hold us …

Seriously, a German study conducted by the team of Professor Dirk Taubert of the University of Cologne has just been published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The study aimed to shed light on the medicinal properties often attributed to chocolate, and know « what effect might have small amounts of dark chocolate rich in cocoa and low in sugar and fat » on the hypertension. It was conducted on 44 people for some of them pre-hypertension and stage 1 hypertension for others. Two groups were formed. Was given to the first group twosquares of dark chocolate containing 30 mg of polyphenols for 18 weeks, and white chocolate in the second group. White chocolate contains no cocoa, so nopolyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants. After 18 weeks of experimentation, the group who ingested a regular dark chocolate had a slight decrease in blood pressure (hypertension 68% instead of 86% before the experiment), without weight gain, while the second group did not experience change in blood pressure.

Dark chocolate rich in cocoa polyphenols therefore, low in sugar and fat therefore reduces slightly hypertention without the risk of gaining weight.

Have fun by doing good, what’s better? And in BienManger, when it comes to have fun, we answer this! Dive into our universe dark chocolate, you’ll find it every time!

To learn more about the benefits of chocolate and the study of Professor Dirk Taubert, I invite you to visit the following pages:

Article published online by the journal The Figaro

PANTOCRIN VELVET ANTLER Sexual Benefits – Natural SEX Enhancer for Men

PANTOCRIN VELVET ANTLER  Sexual Benefits – Natural SEX Enhancer for Men





Its History

The use of deer antlers or pantocrin velvet antler  in medical care dates back over 2000years. The word « antler » itself derives from the Latin « ante oculae » which can betranslated as « before the eyes. »
The use of velvet antler dates back to the Han Dynasty, from 206 BC to 220 AD. The first evidence of the widespread use of velvet antler in medicine, was found on a roll of silk, dating from 168 BC and found inside a tomb in Hunan, China. Later in the six teenth century many preparations such as velvet antler pills, tinctures and ointment shave been recorded in the book Medical Pen Ts’ao Kang Mu.

But only 30 years from the first attempts at scientific research on the therapeutic efficacy of velvet antler were conducted by Russian scientists and pharmacists. As a result, more than 100 articles were published on the subject. Since then, hundreds of articles have been published in China, Korea, Japan, Russia, New Zealand and Canada.

In the 70 doctors Takikawa and they found that the Pantocrin Kajihara, accelerating the healing process of damaged neural tissues.

In 1988, probably one of the most important property of the velvet antler was discovered by Japanese scientists Wang & Associates, which they found that velvet antler has anti-aging.

In 1999, the use of velvet antler has been supported by clinical research because of its beneficial effects in treating arthritis. However, the empirical use suggests several therapeutic properties including immune stimulation, the anti-aging, rejuvenating and protective and beneficial effects on blood flow.

In North America this product has been known for only a decade. Today, the international market for velvet antler is growing due to the fact that more and more people are turning to natural medicine.




The main benefits of Velvet Antler Reversal of Aging and Rejuvenation: Reducing signs of aging, improving memory, increasing the mass of muscle mass and bone density, increased testosterone, decreased activity oxidation in the liver and brain and increasing the protein content of the liver are among the main effects of Pantocrin.
Recent studies in Russia and Japan show that the use of Pantocrin promotes the production of human growth hormone, which reverses the aging process in the body.Basically, Pantocrin alter metabolism significantly.
Increases libido and sexual performance: Pantocrin increases circulation in the reproductive organs and stimulates the production of testosterone and its metabolites. It turns out to be an effective remedy against impotence, as well as to increase libido and sexual performance in general.
Many benefits have been noted by post menopausal women in addition to a significant reduction of stress and improve intimacy.
Regeneration of heart muscle: Pantocrin improves circulation and avoiding metabolism of heart muscle fatigue may result from chronic hypertension, disorders of the circulation, ischemia, diabetes and prolonged psychological stress.
Lowering blood pressure: Pantocrin increases the dilation of peripheral blood vessels and thus lowers blood pressure. Extract Pantocrin edge against the effect of previously administered adrenaline. Velvet antler acts on the neurotransmitter responsible for inhibition and cardiac vasodilation.
Blood Production: Pantocrin cutter is effective in controlling anemia and may increase the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the tests body based.
Pantocrin or Velvet antler have shown an increased production of red blood cells and blood cells whites in smaller quantities. Pantocrin facilitates oxygen uptake by the liver, brain, kidneys and endocrine system.
Fight against stress: Pantocrin is effective in the treatment of mental and muscular fatigue, asthenia, neuroses, stress-related disorders, loss of immune and hypotension.
Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis by increasing bone density, the Pantocrin prevents pathological fractures, caused by osteoporosis, 50% women and 20% men.
Post-traumatic bone reconstruction: Pantocrin increases the level of glucose in the bones and promotes a more rapid deposition of calcium salts and phosphate in bone and cartilage.
Anti-Arthritis Remedy: Pantocrin is known to reduce arthritis symptoms while stimulating growth and tissue healing.
Post surgical recovery and significant acute infectious disorders: Pantocrin is invaluable during convalescence during which it speeds up the recovery process of muscle mass.
Strengthening the immune system: Pantocrin injections stimulate the phagocytic function of macrophages. Pantocrin increases the amount of red and white blood cells in the blood and, thus, strengthens the immune system against the risk of infection.
Anticancer activity: Research has shown that velvet antler may have anti-tumor effects against certain forms of cancer cells.
Anti-inflammatory effects: Pantocrin has very good anti-inflammatory qualities had its ability to stimulate production of white blood cells that helps fight against infections.
Protection of liver: Pantocrin helps protect the liver against damage caused by carbon tetrachloride.
Reduction of cholesterol: Pantocrin can cause cholesterol to be filtered from the blood, increasing levels of kidney but thereby lowering levels elsewhere. It is very important that all high cholesterol levels are a known risk factor for heart disease.

An inexhaustible resource

It is important to note that the antlers are a renewable natural resource. Generally, anydeer is killed for its antlers as new antlers grow with each new season. The term « velvet antlers » refers to the living tissue of wood growth of deer, including red deer,as well as elk. Velvet antler is harvested when it reaches two or three branches and is still covered in velvet.

The tip of the antler is the most effective because it contains themost active substances.

Velvet antler is a main constituent of Deer Antler Plus. A powerful stimulant made ​​in USA male, now available in Europe.



According to many experts, the consumption of Vitamin C would be for most people too low. To keep you in good health and have effective protection against disease, researchers estimate that the Recommended Dietary vitamin C shouldbe at least 200 mg per day!

1. What are the advantages of an adequate intake of Vitamin C?

The vitamin is known for fighting;

* colds
* Fatigue
* Stress
* Prevent heart disease
* Cataracts
* Macular degeneration
* Anti-carcinogenic

But that’s not all!

We know the benefits of this valuable vitamin in strengthening the immune system. It contributes notably to the formation of red blood cells while helping toiron absorption in plants.

But did you know that:

* Vitamin C also contributes to improved wound healing.
* At an antioxidant function – very important – in the fight against free radicals,which attack precisely those cells, responsible for your aging.
* It helps to produce collagen, a protein essential for the formation of connective tissue of the skin? And yes ladies, your skin also depends on your takingenough Vitamin C …

Where to find sufficient amounts of Vitamin C?

Be aware that fruits and vegetables are the main source of vitamin C. It should be consumed raw mainly because the vitamin can not stand cooking.

It is found mainly in:

* Broccoli
* Strawberry
* Lemon
* Tomato
* Orange
* Raspberries
* Grapefruit
* Parsley
* The kiwi

1. Anticancer activity!

The scientist, Linus Pauling, Nobel laureate said that two large doses of Vitamin C at a rate of 2 g or more per day, were able to fight againstcarcinogenesis. It was noted in particular that was a help and an adjuvant to chemotherapy against cancer.

Another study of 85,000 nurses who were followed for 16 years, hasdemonstrated this surprising. Two groups were evaluated. One not takingadditional vitamin C, the other yes. However, the group that consumed thevitamin C supplement showed increased protection against coronary heart disease.

Finally, nine other studies on 290 000 men and women conducted in 2004showed that an intake (700 mg over 10 years) Vitamin C 25% reduced risk ofcoronary heart disease.

1. Little practical advice:

Do not overcook your vegetables and keep food warm. Preparation is moresophisticated and cooked vegetables, more food starting loses vitamin C.Prefer baking potatoes, such as steam or twists. Freshly squeezed orange juiceevery morning, or better yet, a kiwi, already provide on their own half of our daily requirement of vitamin C. A healthy balanced diet should be enough to give usthe required dose. But in some cases it may be called to take charge. Know for example that smokers have a special need for vitamin C, each consuming 25mg cigarette

Well … to your plate to not grow old!


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Business Opportunity at Home

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
Reports that the « Chemicals » Toxic found at Home
are three times more likely to cause cancer
than outdoor atmospheric pollutants.

If your health and the environment is important to you – you are on the appropriate website. HEALTH NATURAL PRODUCTS to be Healthy
Preserving our lives and our children’s – who are exposed to chemicals every day – is starting to get more and more people worried. These people are looking for solutions.
How many of these problems affect you or people you know?

Problems such as:
, Asthma, Hypertension (or High blood pressure), Urinary tract infection (UTI), Croons’ disease, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Menopause, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Osteoporosis, Prostate problems, Hyperactivity, Eczema and many more.
Theses problems are affecting more people everyday.

Take time to read the following text
It could change your life, your child’s or your loved one’s.

Did you know that:

The dishwashing liquid is the principal reason of poisonings at home (most brands contain formaldehyde and ammonia).

  • Some cleaning products are harmful and responsible for diseases as asthma, headaches, allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc…

  • In Quebec, it is said that approximately 50.000 cases of intoxication per year are because of cleaning products and in more than 75% of the cases, children of less than 6 years are involved.

  • Cosmetic products such as eye shadows, cheek powders and lipsticks contain carcinogenic ingredients.

  • After a 15 years study, the National association of cancer concluded that the women who work at home have 54% more risks to develop a cancer than the women who work outside.

  • The cancer rate increased radically since 1901, going from 1 out of 8.000, to 1 out of 3 today!
    In 2010, this disease will affect 1 person out of 2!

  • The Department of the Environment noted that the air inside our house can be 3 to 70 times more chemically polluted than the outside air.

According to the report of the United States House of Representatives, among the chemicals found in the products of personal care:
884 are toxic
146 cause tumors
218 are involved in the complications with the reproductive system
314 cause biological modifications
376 cause skin and eyes irritations
According to the Cancer prevention Coalition, the principal products that cause cancer include:
Baby powders
The anti tartar toothpaste
Cleaning powders
Hair coloring products
Hair conditionner
The supermarkets brands often use harmful chemical products like:
Alkaline detergent
And many more
There are ecological and effective natural alternatives like:

Oil of tea plant (also called Melaleuca)
Natural enzymes
Natural surfactants
Extract of sugar cane
Bicarbonate of soda
Solvents with citrus fruits
And many other natural ingredients…
Extracted from cane with sugar
Bicarbonate of soda
Solvents with citrus fruits
And many other ingredients naturally that


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