Tag: hyaluronic acid

Relief of osteoarthritis « ARGAN OIL » The benefits of the OSTEOARTHRITIS

Relief of osteoarthritis « ARGAN OIL » The benefits of the OSTEOARTHRITIS

New osteoarthritis with Argan Oil

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative rheumatic disease that occurs most often after age 50. This evolution often disabling rheumatism affects proportionately more women than men. It affects the bones, tendons, cartilage and muscles of the joints.



The joints are located at the juncture of the bones and allow their relative movement and thus the movement in general, such as walking or squatting, for example.

To do this the end of each bone in question is covered in their joint cartilage.Cartilage is a substance at once smooth, tough and elastic.

The entire joint is enclosed in the capsule that encloses hermetically inside the synovial membrane. This membrane produces synovial fluid that lubricates the joint in the same way as in an engine oil lubricates the cylinder.


Osteoarthritis is a disease that affects the cartilage bones of the joint. For reasons not yet fully understood the cartilage breaks down and forms of « sticking points » in contact with bone pain of the joint.

X-rays show abnormal wear of the cartilage and the distance between the bone ends is reduced. It is said that the joint « pinched ». The cartilage is thinner. In the limit of progressive osteoarthritis, the cartilage may disappear completely. Then there is direct contact and friction of bones with each other.


It is the joint pain that manifest osteoarthritis. The pain appear gradually. They are low at the beginning and do not show that in case of sustained effort. These pains are called « mechanical » because they occur only when the work of the joint.

There are periods of remission, periods where the pain is relatively mild and last periods when bursts of pain are important and very difficult to bear.

When not pushing, rest pain and calm nights are normal. But the joints become stiff and less mobile. In the morning it is often necessary to make a « joint stiffness. »

By cons, during periods congestive inflammatory and pain are intense, even at night! The rest did not calm down! These periods are often accompanied by congestive excessive production of synovial fluid. There is talk of synovial effusion, often very painful, and explains the congestion and swelling of the joint.

People with osteoarthritis are not condemned to disability so inevitable. Even if the joint is still stiff and deformed, the pain may subside over the years but often to find a good mobility, it is necessary to resort to surgery. The affected joint is then replaced by a joint replacement, routine operation for hip and knee. But it is best to arrive at this end when other treatments, lighter, have failed.

Osteoarthritis is a disease related to aging of the joint. At the first sign and the first pain, it is necessary to consult his doctor.

For it is now possible to effectively treat osteoarthritis and delay its progress.The treatments are more effective than medical management of osteoarthritis is early and its consequences are not irreversible.

Joints affected by Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis can affect any joint but most often it is the joint working that aremost frequently affected and those that support the body weight.


There are:

  1. hip osteoarthritis affecting the hip joint
  2. knee osteoarthritis that affects the knee and not the stiff
  3. The cervical spondylosis affects the spine
  4. Lombarthrose on the lumbar vertebrae of the lower back and may cause lumbagoand sciatica
  5. Omarthrose is the shoulder
  6. The osteoarthritis is localized to the fingers. If this is the thumb is concerned, it is called rhizarthrosis.


    Before considering major surgery is recommended to treat osteoarthritis of combining medical methods (at least for pain) and natural remedies.

    It is obvious that if the extra pounds overweight can only be an aggravating factorfor osteoarthritis. It is essential in this case doc to lose weight.

    Also moderate exercise is recommended whenever possible because inactivityincreases the pathology of osteoarthritis.

    It may be interesting to learn how to relax and relieve stress. Wearing shock-absorbing footwear may be beneficial to facilitate walking in the case ofosteoarthritis of the hip or knee and the making of orthotics rest or activity aimed at relieving the joint. But one can legitimately think that these solutions are oftenthe last resort.

    Les médicaments pour traiter l’arthrose

    To soothe the pain of osteoarthritis is commonly prescribed analgesics that havea significant effect but is limited to this aspect painkiller no curative value.

    For periods of more severe outbreak of osteoarthritis, we use anti-inflammatory drugs, known as NSAIDs, for short periods to fight against inflammation. It is also possible to inject cortisone-like anti-inflammatory in the affected joint.

    In case of lack of synovial fluid can be injected as a lubricant articular hyaluronic acid.

    Some drugs are in the form of gels or patches, but remember that osteoarthritisis caused by « mechanical » causes, these drugs are usually a symptomatic effect. That is to say that they only act on the symptoms without definitive and profound affection.

    Natural remedies for Osteoarthritis: Argan oil and Physiotherapy



    Care for osteoarthritis physiotherapy proven, especially if the massages are done with the argan oil to regenerative virtues recognized.

    Massages « unravel » the first stiff muscles around the painful joint. The joint isthen « thrashing » by wide movements, which also provide a muscle strengthening joints.

    In early trading, pain can be felt but they will disappear as and when the warm-up.

    The effects of massage are multiplied with argan oil to the high content of vitaminE regeneration.

    It is advisable to consult a physiotherapist early to learn the exercises to practiceand then himself. The use of argan oil is always recommended because often it can have a permanent curative effect.