Tag: mucous membranes

The tea tree oil MELALEUCA Tea Tree Natural Products on or THEIR OIL is a MIRACLE!

The tea tree oil MELALEUCA Tea Tree Natural Products on or THEIR OIL is a MIRACLE!

Melaleuca oil a wonderful natural remedy. Discover the incomparable virtues of health of the essential oil of tea tree from Australia.

Name (s) joint (s): Tea Tree Oil, Tea Tree.
Botanical name: Melaleuca alternifolia, Myrtaceae family.
Name (s) English: Tea tree.

Part (s) used (s): The leaves which takes an essential oil by distillation.
Habitat and origin: shrub or evergreen shrub confined to swampy areas of the northeast coast of Australia (New South Wales).

Indications: Their oil is used to prevent and treat infections of the skin and mucous membranes, such as: treat acne and buttons – Arthritis – Burns andsunburn – Cuts and abrasions – Bruises – Cystitis – Muscle aches – Boils and abscesses – herpes labialis – excema-Zona-Psoriasis-respiratory infections -vaginal Infections – Fungal Infections – onychomycosis-insect bites, athlete’s foot-Plaque dental – Varicose veins Warts-it-thrush gingivitis-dandruff.

The tea tree or Melaleuca oil from Australia is an extraordinary natural resource for our health.

Many scientific and medical research have recognized the therapeutic and hygiene of the essential oil of tea tree in Australia (and incorrectly named by Captain Cook) who has become a relatively recent addition, based on preparations pharmaceutical and natural antiseptic.
Natural relief for burns, cuts, bites, scratches and other minor injuries.

It helps to eliminate bacteria to promote the healing process. Penetrating -Provides benefits well below the upper layers of the skin. Soothing – Stopspain, burning and itching.
Solvent it dissolves residue and acts as a natural cleanser and disinfectant.
Non-caustic does not irritate most skin types (those whose skin is extremely sensitive may wish to dilute it in almond oil or olive oil).
Aromatic use the spray to provide a fresh herbal scent. Dr Penfold studied oil Their Dr A. R. Penfold was one of the first scientists to document the power of Their alternifolia oil.

He noted that: « The results of these investigations have not only exceeded my expectations, but have given results which, in practice, are far from those projected … The germicidal effectiveness of the oil … is due to the unique natural blend of their diverse constituents. « Also in the composition of hygiene products and cosmetics.

Research to develop other applications, including agriculture.

FOUR THIEVES VINEGAR natural antiseptic. Recipe 4 thieves vinegar

Four Thieves Vinegar natural antiseptic. Recipe 4 thieves vinegar

Four Thieves Vinegar, an effective natural remedy for centuries!

vinaigre des 4 voleurs du vinaigrier

Used as a panacea for centuries!

Vinegar of  four thieves were reported for the first time in Toulouse during an outbreak of plague from 1628 to 1631. « Four Thieves Vinegar » were caught red-handedwhile robbing plague victims. They revealed their secrets against the promise to save his life. Then they were hung up and ran!

In 1720 the Great Plague struck London and rogues used the same process astheir predecessors from Toulouse to plunder with impunity. These thievesrubbed their exposed skin (hands, face) with this mixture before stripping theplague. They also gave their secret to the judges but they had survived.

Shown to be effective, the Vinegar of the four robbers was recognized in pharmacology and enrolled in the codex of 1748. This vinegar has long beensold as a medicinal chemist as a natural antiseptic.

Its use over the centuries has allowed him to discover many virtues.

Always popular, the Four Thieves Vinegar is also a place in a natural pharmacyfor daily hygiene and family. It is always used when the risk of contagion!


Use and traditional virtues of the 4 Thieves Vinegar:

Properties purifying, cleansing, soothing and softening are an effective alternative for all natural skin care, hair, scalp and mucous membranes.

The Vinegar of the four thieves is sweet, it does not irritate the skin and allowsuse on sensitive skin, especially on the face.


Four Thieves Vinegar is used purely to clean oily skin
Diluted lotion to prevent the use of detergent or cleaning of sensitive skin
To cleanse, soothe and soften skin. Four Thieves Vinegar is great for reducing acne including acne, irritation, itching, sores, insect bites …)

Rubbed on the temples, forehead and wrists, the four thieves vinegar helps tone when weak or tired
In tonic for a pleasant feeling of well being and freshness

Hair care:

Four Thieves Vinegar is ideal to soften and shine hair
To clean the scalp (oily hair, dandruff) and revitalize
To restore the hair's blowing between two washes
To avoid daily washing of hair and feel dirty and itchy
Four Thieves Vinegar is also effective in removing lice and nits
Preventive anti-lice
To help relieve some pain:

The anti-inflammatory properties of the four thieves vinegar is beneficial to ease joint pain
By friction or compress (diluted) on the temples and forehead to help relieve headaches.
Antiseptic and healing:

An application of the four thieves vinegar followed by a fat dressing with the oil of St. John’s Wort (a natural process to promote and avoid drying out the wound) will help to heal difficult wounds. To disinfect

In winter:

Compresses soaked in hot water with vinegar of four thieves on the chest can help relieve respiratory congestion.
To sanitize the exposed skin, such as the hands or face.
Inhaled or a few drops in a glass of water

Vinegar of four thieves is to use:

Pure or diluted lotion, friction, compress, bath …
Diluted for application to mucous membranes
Dilution effect as if too hot on acne, irritation …
Diluted to clean the sores of children
Recommended for dark.
Four Thieves Vinegar to a shelf life greater than 30 months. It is recommended for use within 18 months after opening the bottle

Biological composition:

Plants: wormwood, lavender, rosemary, savory, sage, garlic, cinnamon bark, clove nails / camphor

Composition INCI:
(International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients):
Note: English language and science – Latin botanical name for plants

Acetum / Artemisia absinthium, Lavandula angustifolia, Rosmarinus, Satureia hortensis, salvia officinalis, Allium sativum, Cinnamomum cassia, eugenia caryophyllus / Camphor

Recipe of the four thieves vinegar

Used for disinfection, decontamination, cleaning wounds

20 g rosemary 20 g lavander
20 g sage 30 g cinnamon
20 g thyme 30 g sweet flag true
20 g de mentol 30 g cloves
20 g worwood 30 g garlic
20 g de rue 5 g camphor

Place everything into 1.5 liters of white wine, let stand for 10 days and filter.Store in cool and dark

Recipes for Infectious (disease) or intestinal infections.

1 recipe The secret was the famous vinegar, aromatic maceration they were rubbing the body, and drinking every day.
The formula is:
20 g of wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) 20 grams of petite wormwood(Artemisia pontica), 40 g of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), 40 g of sage(Salvia officinalis), 40 g of mint (Mentha), 40 g street foul (Ruta graveolens), 40g of lavender (Lavandula vera), 5 g of sweet flag (Acorus calamus), 5 g of cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeyianicum) 5 g of cloves (Syzygium aromaticum), 5g of nutmeg (Myristica fragrans), 5 g garlic (Allium sativum).
A macerate for ten days (in the sun if possible) in 2.5 liter of vinegar. Crush wellthe plants in the juice, then go. Add 10 g of camphor by dissolving in a few drops of acetic acid. A cause to be prepared by the pharmacist, and rub itevery day. It’s a nice variety of herbs disinfectant! The thieves were still hanging…
The same story is repeated in Marseille in 1720, but then the judges will be spared the new thieves, and display the recipe in the streets.
2 recipe Simpler variant:Make yourself the above mixture with 5 drops of pure natural essence (essential oil) of each plant. But replace the street and FACOR, toxic and difficult to find, forthe essence of lemon, eucalyptus, cypress, niaouli. The absinthes are popping up everywhere, « the petite wormwood is the South, but all varieties have the same properties.
3 recipe Make great use in the kitchen garlic, cloves and cinnamon. Eat it every day if you suspect infection. Nutmeg too, but only very small amount (a pinch grated), because it is toxic: it can die from eating a whole nut in one go. Use all thespecies mentioned above in the bathroom, or to disinfect the air (a few drops ona light bulb lit).