Tag: surface

NATURAL PRODUCTS KILL HEAD LICE Natural Infallible Recipe for « Kill Head Lice » with the oil of tea tree Melaleuca

NATURAL PRODUCTS KILL HEAD LICE Natural Infallible Recipe for « Kill Head Lice » with the oil of tea tree Melaleuca




Treatment non-toxic lice cons # 1:
2 parts olive oil
1 part white vinegar to equal 1 / 2 cup
20 drops of Tea tree oil
20 drops of essential oil lavender
10 drops of essential oil of rosemary

Mix thoroughly and saturate hair with the solution.
Save the rest for the night. Let sit overnight and wash in the morning. Paint with a comb lice to be sure to remove the nits, which can be attached to the axis of the hair.




Treatment non-toxic # 2 against lice
¾ cup hot water
20 drops Melaleuca oil Their tea tree ,
Mix with shampoo and apply directly to hair and let sit 2 shampoos rubbing the hair length from top to bottom if it’s a long hair except let it rest on a hair short at least 10 to 15 minutes
(More applications repeatedly until you are sure the lice and nits have completely disappeared)
It is an alternative treatment that has been tried and proven.

Around the House:

The bedding and towels should be washed with hot water and soap, wool hats with borax and water as hot, soapy water and dried at least 20 minutes in the dryer to be sure that all the nits on the hair fell and killed.
Vacuum all surfaces where children lie or play (including toys). Discard the bag.
Routinely wipe clean with warm water and melaleuca oil any surface « all the places used in everyday life, blankets, sheets, pillows mettrent simply quarantined for 10 to 14 days after all have vacuumed.
Remember, never apply synthetic chemical poisons says pesticide in places frequented the arcades, on toys or furniture surfaces. Store all other exposed items in bags for 2 weeks or dry clean. Do not forget to vacuum the car and all the furniture (upholstered).
Wipe your hand or discard all objects which have traveled slow, hair clips, grooming combs, brushes, carefully follow the movements nits or lice traveled, combs, scissors, use a magnifying glass or a light Scottish bright. Then disinfect by soaking these items and other hair ornaments, combs and brushes in boiling water with some drops of tea tree oil.

Fully test all family members at the same time and treat only those infected and then everyone without exception!
At school each child should be examined in the morning before having leave to return to class by someone experienced in the examination of hair to see if there are any lice, nits, or eggs of all at a time. Whoever checks the condition of hair will do it with sticks lice (usually these are wooden sticks and cheap as you throw in a plastic bag that you seal off and discard) – a new pair of sticks for each child is paramount. It is certain that the review applied to a child with fingers is a good way to spread lice or nits on another person immediately whether a child or an adult.

Children with lice should be sent home to be treated urgently.

Children’s clothing (hats, scarves, and coats) should be separately bagged, not hung side by side, using plastic bags, until all children are disinfected for at least two weeks.

Ensure that things like « clothing is not shared, because lice like hats, combs, brushes and love permeate all equipment like batting helmets, headphones, music, it should never be shared in emergencies by an infestation of lice.


FALL HAIR LOSS BALDNESS of Man and Woman with a Natural Treatment Arg-OIL SOLUTION for Hair Loss and How to fight against the BALDNESS

FALL HAIRLOSS BALDNESS of Man and Woman with a Natural Treatment Arg-OIL SOLUTION for Hair Loss and How to fight against the BALDNES

Fall hair loss Balding Argan Oil: the natural


Cas de Calvitie

Baldness touches mainly the male sex. At the , the fall of the hair begins between 20 and 35 years. However the women can suffer from it, often after a pregnancy, or because of a not adapted contraceptive pill, or at the age of the menopause.

On average, men and women lose between 50 and 100 hair per . It is normal! It is related on to the life cycle of the hair. One notes a phase of growth of the hair during 5 years, a phase of stop of growth of a few weeks only, then a phase of deterioration and falls of the hair of which the duration is of approximately 3 months.

With the autumn, during 1 month with 1 month and half, this fall is more important than during the other months of the year but this seasonal variation does not present abnormal character.

, the phase of fall is followed of pushes back. So on the other hand, the fall is final one speaks then about alopécia being able to go until a complete baldness.



If the seasonal fall of the autumn persists after its normal period from 4 to 6 weeks, or if the of hair is abnormal during several months, it there place to be worried some.

That can be with a catch of certain drugs (if it is the case, it is indicated on the note as for the amphetamines or the anticoagulants) or with a food deficiency (proteins, iron, zinc). The stress, an emotional shock or a disease can be at the origin of the of hair. It is to better ask its doctor a complete checkup to find the cause of this alopécie.

Also take guard with the too proportioned shampoos or with the too frequent dyeings which literally attack the hair and weaken it.

But , the main cause of baldness is a male excess of hormones. One speaks then about alopécie androgenic. It concerns as well the as the woman.

At the , this of baldness is hereditary and is transmitted of wire father. Thus if your father were victim of baldness, there is a very strong probability so that you yourself are reached by it. In fact, the androgenic male hormones shorten the lifespan of the hair. If these male hormones are produced in too strong quantity, the lifespan of the hair accelerates. Their fall becomes too fast then. Pushes back is delayed, is done under bad conditions or does not intervene any more.

The beginning of baldness appears at the beginning by an explanation above it face for quickly reaching the top of cranium. The temples and the nape of the neck are dismantled in the last

At the woman, this alopécie androgenic starts with the menopause when the of female hormones (oestrogen) is not sufficient any more to fight the androgens responsible for the fall of the hair. It is this same hormonal imbalance which is the cause at the woman of the rarefaction of the hair after the pregnancy or because of certain not adapted contraceptive pills.

of hair is marked than at the . However the hair becomes more “thin”, more end, more breakable and sparse.

Drugs to fight against baldness

In the event of hormonal imbalance of with the too strong proportion of androgens a local treatment containing minoxidil or oral examination can make it possible to reduce the of baldness. But the result is not guaranteed to 100%. In any event, in the event of relative success and once started, this treatment cannot be stopped under penalty of losing the benefit of it. This life treatment “” with the disadvantage also of having in certain cases of the side effects or of starting allergies.

Clerc’s Offices of hair

In addition to the drugs, one can practise Clerc’s Offices of hair. Generally they are microphone-Clerc’s Offices. One takes small hairy surfaces of on the nape of the neck which one establishes on the dismantled zones of the . This is practised under local anaesthesia into 2 to 3 a.m. and must be repeated several times according to surface to cover with a 3 months interval minimum.

The price of this is high. At a cost a little weaker, one can be made graft implants, with however the risk of rejection.


Greffe de cheveux

Treatments for the baldness and the direct action of the oil of argan

When the cause of the fall of the hair is external (consequence of certain drugs or deprives food), the treatments are easy. It is as far as possible enough to cease the administration of the drug in question or to compensate for the deficiency.

Of sound with dimensions the natural oil of argan is famous for its revitalizing action of the hair, in particular on the level of its bulb (ridicalizing action). The oil of argan prolongs the lifespan of the hair and supports as well pushes back it at the as the woman because it stimulates the of keratin, essential component of the hair.

Thus the oil of argan is at the base many treatments and hair lotions and shampoos but it also available in treatments specialized for an direct action on the roots to the fast and recognized effects.

BURN PHYSICAL SUPERFICIAL Things (Tricks) Craftiness and Councils (Advises) for your Burns in the FIRST DEGREE with a Natural Product as the Oil of Melaleuca an Average Nature

BURN PHYSICAL SUPERFICIAL Things(Tricks)Craftiness and Councils(Advises) for your Burns in the FIRST DEGREE with a Natural Product as the Oil of Melaleuca an Average Nature TIPS AND TRICKS FOR BURNS PHYSICAL

You sometimes to burn fesant of the cooking(kitchen), with an iron with hair a contact with a chemical or an ardent utensil and hup! Ouch!
The first care on a burn vary enormously according to the area (extent) of the wound, its depth, its location (localization), the age of the burnt person and the type(chap) of burn. Of the simple sunburn in the third degree burn.

The thing(trick) that here is is valid for those who burn in the first degree, here is an infallible thing(trick) which could help you to relieve your burn immediately! Always have in your pharmacy a small bottle of oil of Melaleuca or says Tea Tree who one is produced purely natural and whom you find in most of the stores Bio ou Pharmacie, you buy the purest which you could find. The smell of the oil Melaleuca is not always pleasant for each. Having crossed the part burned under the hanging cold water 5 has 10 min, to put 1 or 2 goutes of oil Melaleuca on the burn to wait for a few moments (5 minutes) the burning sensation goes disparaitre if you were burned or be in contact hardly with some thing(matter) of warm. If you were more burned profoundation a sensation of heating(warm-up) is going to increase for 1 minute and will ease afterward if it persists in putting back(in handing) without hesitating one or two other drops of oil Melaleuca after 10 minutes. The burning sensation as well as marks her(it) disappears after a maximum of 30 minutes later. No more heating(warm-up) or mark of burn! Otherwise if it does not work for you, you can always try the methods following one which are also all average natures for your burn. THE HONEY: spread with honey, resume(take back) the same operation several times following, the pain disparate, very few scars. THE POTATO: to cut slices and to apply them to the painful surface, there will be no scar. OLIVE OIL AND WHITE WITH EGG: beat two spoonful of oil with a white of egg, apply to the burn.