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RAGWEED ALLERGY-Ragweed or AMBROSIA – Symptoms – Recognize ragweed and how to eliminate-Montreal Quebec Canada

RAGWEED ALLERGY-Ragweed or AMBROSIA – Symptoms – Recognize ragweed and how to eliminate-Montreal Quebec Canada

Ambrosia (ragweed) in the month August

Ragwed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.)
The Ambrosia grows in sunny, dry, often poor and where there is no competition with other plant species. To prevent its establishment, it is sufficient to limit the bare soil, by taking a seeding of plants adapted to site conditions and promoting effect by fertilization.Control of Ambrosia will not totally eliminate the problem but will reduce the rate of pollen in the air and thus help a large number of people inconvenienced by this allergy season.
Ragweed or AMBROSIA

Symptoms – Recognize ragweed and how to eliminate

Stuffy nose, watery eyes and itchy, the month of August to first frost, ragweed is still claiming victims. So without further ado, let’s learn to identify this weed which bears the Latin name of Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Once unmasked to fight against this problem, simply enforce the uprooting or cutting short just before flowering. THERE is no risk of allergic reaction to touch.

The appearance of ragweed

L'herbe à poux - son apparenceRagweed with its hairy stem and leaves of a greyish green.

What is it like this annual plant, responsible for the uncomfortable hay fever? She looks rather harmless and resembles almost any weed. So its asset: knowledge go unnoticed!

The ragweed reaches an average height of 70 cm. The stem, covered with hair, is topped with sheets of grayish green, thin and tightly cropped. They are opposed to the base and alternate at the top. During the months of June and July, the plant is covered with tiny green flowers shaped ear grouped at ends of stems. In August, flowering bursts to let fly into the air billions of pollen grains. And now, the damage is done!

Urban housing

To eliminate ragweed, it is still necessary to know where she is housed. The reaction promotes coexistence and flourished in colonies, encouraged by the rays of the sun.

The ragweed seems to have a penchant for right-of railroads, edges of sidewalks, construction sites, poorly maintained land, a piece of bare earth where calcium has burned the grass in a corner of the garden where the soil has been disturbed. It grows as … a weed!

Symptoms rather unpleasant

Casually, the ragweed causes great discomfort to more than 17.5% of our population. Its pollen causes severe unlucky in some reaction:

Pollen - herbe à poux

  • Irritation of the nose
  • Tingling of the throat
  • Repeated sneezing
  • Eyes swollen and teary
  • Sinus congestion
  • Hoarse cough up some chronic asthma

Health problems, social costs engendered by runaway medical costs and absenteeism at work, these are some of the consequences of this phenomenon that deserves our attention. A radical solution is needed: stop the problem at source by getting rid of the guilty!

Not to be confused with poison ivy

Poison ivy tends to grow near forested areas. This plant bears trifoliate leaves and hard fruit ranging in color from yellow to dull white. These leaves are almost smooth, glossy and sometimes alternate on a woody stem. His contact with the skin causes itchy skin immediately.

Ragweed, meanwhile, presents no danger to the touch and can be pulled at any time without consequence. And when we learn that the survivability of its seeds in the soil is more than 40 years, we realize the importance of taking all necessary means to make it disappear immediately spotted.

Petite herbe à poux

The ragweed seems to have a penchant for inhabited areas.

Herbe à puce 1 Herbe à puce 2

Poison ivy tends to grow near forested areas.

Dealing with it … before August!

How to get rid of this plant detestable? The simplest is to snatch it. It’s easy to do since it has a poorly developed root system. But beware! It is essential to perform the operation in June or July at the latest, that is to say, before flowering.

Regularly maintain his lawn. Mainly mowing evenly along the ground making sure to line the exposed corners, are all ways to prevent the emergence of this weed.

While grubbing remains the means of destruction over the practice, one can, in the case of land covered with grass, ragweed, shave regularly ground undesirables. In this way, we prevent them from unleashing their flowering so devastating. However, if one can not overcome, the services of professionals will undoubtedly save an infested field.

To learn more about ragweed, contact the Quebec Lung Association at 1 800 295-8111 ext 232

MATTRESS CONSULTING for Deep Sleep and Recovery – While Sleeping in Bed-Position

MATTRESS CONSULTING for Deep Sleep and Recovery – While Sleeping in Bed-Position






Linear and Lateral Support

1. Linear Support

By linear support, we understand the support that makes that your body does not sag. In an undistorted by hanging du hard to top a mattress lying still..

In a side-lying posture, the back shall form one straight line, from the neck vertebrae to the sacrum. In a side/belly posture, the spinal column shall remain in its natural bended form, from the neck to the sacrum, as in an upright posture. Thighbones and knees shall sink a little bit deeper in the mattress, so as not to cause too large a pressure on the lower back. When sleeping on the back, the spinal column has to keep its natural bended form from the neck to the sacrum. It is important that the lumbar region is supported sufficiently. In all recumbent postures, an orthopaedically justified support is necessary. The position of the spinal column at night may in no event obstruct the hormonal flows. I hereby refer to the sacro-cranial therapies.


In addition, the dorsal vertebrae must be able to arrange themselves at night so that the intervertebral disks can regenerate optimally. At the same time, the neck and dorsal muscles that are during the daytime most of the time contorted because of an incorrect sitting position must be given a chance to relax. But, the human body is not a plank. Normally, our shoulders are broader than our hips; but at the hips, we have more weight than at the shoulders.

So, it is clear that the ideal bed for a dominant side sleeper is softer at shoulders’ height and harder at hips’ height. Hard mattresses are a real disaster in terms of support, one really completely tenses up on such mattresses.

« Fabeltje te harde matras »

The double bed is an invention of the devil who was jealous of the blessings of marriage.
Marie Stopes,
Sleep, Chatto and Winders, Londen 1956.

Even light persons have to impress their shoulders sufficiently so that the pillow, when used, does not have to carry the weight of the shoulders through the neck.

Orthopaedic pillows on too hard beds shift the problem from the shoulders to the neck. Neck muscles get overloaded and the pressure on the head is much too large. Especially for back-sore people, the mattress has to make it possible that the distance between the shoulder tip and the lumbar region can be impressed by the shoulder. This implies that, independent of the person’s weight, the mattress can at shoulders’ height be impressed 6 to 9 cm, whereas at the hips, that generally weigh more, the mattress cannot be impressed that much. Most certainly for low-back-pain patients and slipped-disk patients, no pressure may be exercised on the lower intervertebral disks. Therefore, in order to offer a perfect linear support, the mattress shall be very elastic without becoming deformed. It shall also have a softer shoulder zone and a slightly harder hip zone, as well as a softer knee zone, if so desired.

The base on which the mattress is lying, shall allow the same support and impression, though in an accentuated way. The ideal bed is as large as possible, and allows you to optimally stretch out both lengthwise and breadthwise, it allows you to make yourselves as large and as broad as you wish without being hindered by a bed head end, a foot bed end or your partner. For side/belly and belly sleepers, the bed is at least 30 cm and preferably 50 cm longer than the person in question! It must be possible to maximally stretch out the spinal column and to have your body heave on the mattress. This ensures a perfect lateral support.

green sleep sleep well

2. Lateral Support

The secret of the ideal bed not only lies in a perfect support, but also in an optimal pressure-reducing contact plane between the body and the mattress. The larger the contact zone between the body and the mattress, the smaller the pressure registration per square centimeter of skin. The larger the contact zone, the longer it will take before the body subconsciously orders to turn over and before large tension build-up in the skeleton muscles can interrupt your deep sleep or REM sleep. Sleep quality indeed is reduced drastically when you are wakened by an internal pain impulse caused by overpressure or by difficulties when turning over. The longer you can stay in the same position without suffering pressure damage, the longer your muscles can deacidify. In addition, reduced pressure also stimulates the blood circulation in the limbs. But, a larger contact plane also implies that the mattress should ventilate perfectly. The skin that touches the mattress also must be able to breathe and the purifying perspiration must be absorbed without the mattress feeling moist to the touch. Therefore, when falling asleep, the perfect lateral support is obtained by giving the body as large a contact plane as possible and by having the body heave maximally on the mattress. So, in this scope, stretching out and as large a mattress as possible are extremely important.

Back schools give advice on how to turn your dominant recumbent posture in a better equilibrium posture, so that you do not have to turn over too quickly. In all events, when falling asleep, one should lie as relaxed as possible, with as large a contact plane as possible. The ideal bed can help you a lot.

Green Sleep


HEALTH NATURAL PRODUCTS to be Healthy – To Promote Beauty, Health and Well-being using Natural Products



Health Natural Products – Organic and Ecological Products
Ecology – Family – Finance – Advice Welfare Shop – 
Business Opportunity at Home

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
Reports that the « Chemicals » Toxic found at Home
are three times more likely to cause cancer
than outdoor atmospheric pollutants.

If your health and the environment is important to you – you are on the appropriate website. HEALTH NATURAL PRODUCTS to be Healthy
Preserving our lives and our children’s – who are exposed to chemicals every day – is starting to get more and more people worried. These people are looking for solutions.
How many of these problems affect you or people you know?

Problems such as:
, Asthma, Hypertension (or High blood pressure), Urinary tract infection (UTI), Croons’ disease, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Menopause, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Osteoporosis, Prostate problems, Hyperactivity, Eczema and many more.
Theses problems are affecting more people everyday.

Take time to read the following text
It could change your life, your child’s or your loved one’s.

Did you know that:

The dishwashing liquid is the principal reason of poisonings at home (most brands contain formaldehyde and ammonia).

  • Some cleaning products are harmful and responsible for diseases as asthma, headaches, allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc…

  • In Quebec, it is said that approximately 50.000 cases of intoxication per year are because of cleaning products and in more than 75% of the cases, children of less than 6 years are involved.

  • Cosmetic products such as eye shadows, cheek powders and lipsticks contain carcinogenic ingredients.

  • After a 15 years study, the National association of cancer concluded that the women who work at home have 54% more risks to develop a cancer than the women who work outside.

  • The cancer rate increased radically since 1901, going from 1 out of 8.000, to 1 out of 3 today!
    In 2010, this disease will affect 1 person out of 2!

  • The Department of the Environment noted that the air inside our house can be 3 to 70 times more chemically polluted than the outside air.

According to the report of the United States House of Representatives, among the chemicals found in the products of personal care:
884 are toxic
146 cause tumors
218 are involved in the complications with the reproductive system
314 cause biological modifications
376 cause skin and eyes irritations
According to the Cancer prevention Coalition, the principal products that cause cancer include:
Baby powders
The anti tartar toothpaste
Cleaning powders
Hair coloring products
Hair conditionner
The supermarkets brands often use harmful chemical products like:
Alkaline detergent
And many more
There are ecological and effective natural alternatives like:

Oil of tea plant (also called Melaleuca)
Natural enzymes
Natural surfactants
Extract of sugar cane
Bicarbonate of soda
Solvents with citrus fruits
And many other natural ingredients…
Extracted from cane with sugar
Bicarbonate of soda
Solvents with citrus fruits
And many other ingredients naturally that


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