According to many experts, the consumption of Vitamin C would be for most  too low. To keep you in good  and have effective protection against disease, researchers estimate that the Recommended Dietary  C shouldbe at least 200 mg per day!

1. What are the advantages of an of Vitamin C?

The vitamin is known for fighting;

* colds
* Fatigue
* Stress
* Prevent  disease
* Cataracts
* Macular degeneration
* Anti-carcinogenic

But that’s not all!

We know the  of this valuable vitamin in strengthening the immune system. It contributes notably to the formation of red blood cells while helping toiron absorption in plants.

But did you know that:

* Vitamin C also contributes to improved wound .
* At an antioxidant function – very important – in the fight against radicals,which attack precisely those cells, responsible for your aging.
* It helps to produce collagen, a protein essential for the formation of connective tissue of the skin? And yes ladies, your skin also depends on your takingenough Vitamin C …

Where to find sufficient amounts of Vitamin C?

Be aware that fruits and vegetables are the main source of vitamin C. It should be consumed raw mainly  the vitamin can not stand .

It is found mainly in:

* Broccoli
* Strawberry
* Lemon
* Tomato
* Orange
* Raspberries
* Grapefruit

* The

1. Anticancer activity!

The scientist, Linus Pauling, Nobel laureate said that two large doses of Vitamin C at a rate of 2 g or more per day, were able to fight againstcarcinogenesis. It was noted in particular that was a help and an  to  against cancer.

Another study of 85,000 nurses who were followed for 16 years, hasdemonstrated this surprising. Two groups were evaluated. One not takingadditional vitamin C, the other yes. However, the group that consumed thevitamin C supplement showed increased protection against coronary heart disease.

Finally, nine other studies on 290 000 men and  conducted in 2004showed that an intake (700 mg over 10 years) Vitamin C 25% reduced risk ofcoronary heart disease.

1. Little practical advice:

Do not overcook your vegetables and keep food warm. Preparation is moresophisticated and cooked vegetables, more food starting loses vitamin C.Prefer baking potatoes, such as  or twists. Freshly squeezed juiceevery , or better yet, a kiwi, already provide on their own half of our daily requirement of vitamin C. A healthy balanced diet should be enough to give usthe required dose. But in some cases it may be called to take charge. Know for example that smokers have a special need for vitamin C, each consuming 25mg cigarette

Well … to your plate to not grow old!

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